Skin: RocoQr>lzino thot peoplo v/Oik in differenł piocos
Pa ren I: T>vs ac?ivrty he>ps your chJd learn ahoul somo Community workers and the piaces where they vnxfc. It also Introduces your chiid lo a m3p. Becjin try ©xp*aming j0 your mat a map is a sman p>c?ure of a plac©. Read atoud tho narres of :he fcoddinos and stroats. N’oxt hovo your ch-.ld pont 10 a COmmuruty workor and łon about tho workor's |ob. Guido your chkl o& noedod m tind-ng tho motchłng wortóde on tho map. FoRow up by hawtg your chlld use a finger to IWCO rcutos on the map as you ask soch qoosbons as Wftaf ara r*o ways you COt/W get trom the park to the pod?
o 1093 BrigMor Viłon Inc
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