SkilJ: Correct word order
Cut out the words. Read them.
Put each set in order to make a sentence.
Pastę the sentences into the box with the matching color.
rode |
bus. |
We |
the |
went |
zoo. |
to |
the |
Paront: Truś adivity gives your chrtd practic© roacWng words li al$o dovołops tho ccncopi mat words in sontonces nood to bo tn on order that mokos sonso. Bogm wth tho yollow sot. Re3d alc<xJ tho word tms nr>d soo d ycur ęhdd can fmd rt. Thon lot your chAJ rcod it Ccnlinuo with tho romairung words. Challenge your ch>'<J to pul them In the nght order End by having your chlld read tho sentenco correclly Repeat the procedurę with the pink sot.
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