For exawple:
popular in USA? Incredlbly Is thc What
(dhat In łncroM/u popular lp tho ?__ Chcwing gum.
1 annual In Whal USA? the of are gum the sales
$2 błllion.
2 gum? Why people chew somc do
Do have fresh breath.
3 not What gum chewlng do? does
It doesn't help you to concentratc. 4 strcss? under lot Is a of Who
The scudents who are taklng exams. 5 to tlme a good study? is When
Durlng the day, not at nlght.
1 How do you prcpare for exams? Do you excrdsc during breaks? Do you study untll latc at nlght?
2 What are your rcasons for chewlng sum? If you don't chew gum, whal are your rcasons for not chewlng gum?
3 After chewlng gum, where do you put it? Where do most people put thelr chewlng gum when it's finlshed?
Bffectlve Reading 2 Pre-lntermedłate
chcw swallow spit bite
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Some couniries thlnk spittlng In publlc Is very bad. For example, if you spit on the bus you iray have to pay a flne,
Bffectlvc Reading 2 Pre-lntormediate
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"SrJ4vttc chcwing gum -itshould bo ccir This is tlie vicw ofSandra i;.^npit^n^fho. Hyca near lite largo *ltaRU8. ‘l./)ok at the •yenra^Jjjundreds of inggum!’
^riglii; therc were black marks all Who does she people, especially studenta, of course. Thcy chew gum all the time and then spit it out on thc road. It‘s disgustingl I really think wc should ban chcwing gum Iike they do in Singapore - that’s very sensible. I know for a fact that it costs thousand* of dollars to clean tlie roads,'
It is possible to get a fine if you drop litter, and chcwing gum is litter. But, as Mrs Bolton explains, this doeanT bappen vcry much. 'People don’t realise how difficult and expensive it is to clean pavcments and roads. Chewing gum is almost imposuble to remove. It‘sjust bad news.’
Perhaps tlie best thing then, is to tell people why it‘»so bad to spit gum on the road. Mrs Bolton djsagrees. łIt won't work. Ybung people junt don't care about anything thete days.'
Kevin De Souza adds, 'And there are other reasona why gum is so bad. It can be a problem for smali nnlmals and birds. Thcy