Cabalah of the Hebrews redrawn

Cabalah of the Hebrews redrawn


The Nambm 1 -10: The Kabbalistic Cardinal numbers corresponding to the divine primordial ideas with which the visible and the invisible world was created.


Highest Crown

The Root of the Sephirothic Tree

Spiritual Body Comcndation, Knowlcdgc

Gtoiy. Famc HonOT Praisc

72 Intelligences of the Mercurial

Omnipotence Highest Unity


Sephiroth 3

Akasha Principia

Highest Cognition Highest Wisdom

Sephiroth 2

Pairs of Opposites

Fatc, Karma, Dcstiny Intuition. Concicncc, Idea of Procrcanon


Activc Powera


36 Intelligences

•th 4

ic Principlc

Genii of the Jupiter Sphere

God and man Polan ty.

Stcllar Hcavci».


Univcreal Lawfulncss, Law, Order,


The Zonę Girdling the Farth,

Earth Element

The Incamated Deity on Planet Earth - The Lord Jesus Christ

Physical Matter

Planetary Influence*

360 Principals of the Zonę Girdling the Earth THE STARTING POINT ON THE PATH TO GOD

RealiTation, Cohesion Materia! Humań Body Influence* of Ali the Prime Ideas Supreme Authority

Love, Benevolence, Beauty, Fertility, Purity, 7 Equilibratioo, Mercy,

' h Victory

of the Wenuslan Sphere


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