Conncctiona 3 TES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07 10:17 Pago 28
Tests 9A and 9B
1 Listen. Tick (✓) the correct box.
A Julio Gonzalez thinks
a the weather in London is good. □
b the musie scene tn London is good. □
c the musical insuuments in London are good. □ B Julio Gon2alez plays all the instrument* he has leai ned
2 Listen again and decide If the sentences are true or false.
A Julio thinks London is similar to
Havana. _
B Julio has played guitar sińce he was
a child. _
C Julio thinks playing lots of diffeient
insuuments Ls intetesting. _
tiiitmiihiJii & Oxford University Press