Connections III Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi35

Connections III Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi35

MB Conncctiona 3 ?ES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07    10:17 Pagc 36

Listening tests


Tests 4A and 4B

1    A a B b

2    A false B irue C false R Audioscript

1    Receptionist Hello. recep&on.

Man    l'm socry, bu! my hotel toam oawful.

Receptionist What room are you in. sir?

Man    Room 236.

Receptionist 2-3-6. OK. I'm socry.sit What’s the problem?

Man    The TV doesnY i^-onc and the shower o broken.

Receptionist Can you ca the hotel manager on 3345? Mc tan send someane to your room.

Man    I don1! belies-e itl I haverft go: time to wait in my

room This o a four star hotel.

Receptionist I do apologise, sir. Would you Wre to change your room?

Man    No I want tocheckout and get my money batk!

2    Woenan    Excuse me. Excusr me.

Boy    Yeah?

Woman    You dropped some paper in my front garden

Boy    No. Ididn’t

Woman    You did. I saw you. Naw I want you to ptck it up

Boy    l’m not going to pick rt up. andycudon’t knowwho

I aa so you can't do anything ab out it

Woman    Tm sorry, but I can I work with your dad and I know

where you live

Boy    Oh. Right.OK.lTI pick <t up.

Tests 5A and 5B

1    A b B b

2    A tnie B true C false R Audioscript

Leanne "m reaiiy loobng foiwatd to staiting my new |ob as a

teacher. IVealways wanted to teach children and nowrl\e got my teaching degree.

I know III workyery hard during term time because fil hawe about scwen hcurs of lessons a day. Somebnes, III have after schód activities as well so I woo’t have much free time during the week. But IB get really iong school holtdays! The mone/s quite good. too - about £20.000 a year to start with. Tm definitely going towork hard. Maybe III be a head teachec ooe day.

Chlip fve beena businessman for about thirtyyea-sand !’m really bared with my job.5o l'm torctire and do something completely different: next week, l'm starting work as a postmanl

I don't need anyguaiificationsfor my new job and IB has-e a very reliung job because lll be outdoorsall the time. III meet a lot of pecple. so rt is going to be interesting. The main problem -ml be money. I wont earn vcrymuch money atall about fivepounds per fact But the great thing for me isthat I start at su o'clcck in the morning.and I finish at tatbe - just in time for a iate lunch. Thatsonly six hours a day. I expect fil really enjoy the free time.

Cinny be a gualified nurse. I've got a nursing degree from unieersity. Next week l'm going to start work in a hasprtal in Manchester.

As a new nurse; I won't earn very m uch. lll only earn about four hundred pounds a week, but money isn’t wety important to me ItYl be a tirrng ;ob, and the hours will be Iong -usually nine hours a day. I think being a nurse will be a really diffkult ;oh Sonetimes, HI also hawe towork at night. I think that will be hard. but it will be really good to help people. I won't be riih. but IB be happy

Tests 6A and 6B

1    A b B b

2    A uue B false C false

R Audioscript

Sarah Muml Mian Sarah
















Can I watth a rock concert on TV tonight? K starts at elcven o'cbck

ho it's Tuesday Sarah. You know you have to go to bed at ten o'cb:k during the week.

I know. but this rs a Coldptay concert. The/re my favourrte group

Ter sorry, Sarah, bjt you havr to go to school tcmorrow You're allowrd to stay up Iate at the weekend, aren't you’ But you can't stay up Iate during the week.

OK. well, Iłn going to pisy my gu tar then Oh, no. you aren't! IYs nine ociock already. Ycu: srsters aslcep. You know you re tvot altowed to ptay it when your srsters gcne to bed.

Oh. all right. Can I read a bock then?

Weil. ofcoutse you car, Sarjh! .. Wait a minutę; whichbook? Mouse of Morrors - :t's brillant!

ho. you canY read horror Stores If you do, you wonT %‘eep wek. now will you?

Tm not a crwed to do anything m this hcusel

Oonł be sńly. You can play Computer games

Yes oniy lor twa hours a day Anyway, I don't want to do

that. TheYte all bonryg.

Wed. youVe get lots of homework for friday. You’te always


Oh.thanksa kit. Mum

Tests 7A and 7B

Ab B b

A false B false

C tiue

R Audioscript

Prcscnter Hello and widcome to Plontt Corlh And th:s week, we're talking about recycling With us in the studio tcday is Peter tran* from the group Recycfe Today. Y/ekome to the proęramme, Peter.


So what are theachantagesof recycling?

Well. of course. recycling is much safer and deaner than using landfrf site*

Yes, but rt s noc as easy for us What do you mean exactl>'?

Weil we h a.e to has*e lots of different bir.s to put the rubbish in.

Not lots actua ty I just have to sort my rubbish into four separate materiał* - glass paper, can* and pirsie Its morę diffkult at the recyciog plant, theugh. isn’t it? Yes I suppose it a. They hai-e to keep all these dfferent materials in different Container*

And some things have to be sorted again. donY they? That s nght The gfass :s sorted into different cclocrs, and the paper is sorted into newspaper* magacnes and cardboard. But that's all.

Oh, OK. Then what happens?

Eserything ;s put into big conlarsers and then its crushed so that it breaks mto little piece*

And thrn euerythng can be used again. I suppose No. not yet New the different materrals a-c sold to cłher factories - the glass goes to a glass factory, the plasłic gaes to a plastic factory. and so on, And then it's madę mto new products

But moce transport means moce palluton.

Ye* you're r.ght - p. doe* But recycling old materiale uses a lot less eocrgy than making new materiał* It rea.y rs much better to tecytie. be4evr me In fact. about .


















& Oxford Univcrsity Press



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