Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi06

Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi06

CO ConnccŁlona 2 TES7S 2P.qx<S 5/10/07    10:50 Pago


Test 2A

6 4>

1 Coinplete this postcard with the verbs in brackets in the present cominuous.

► We Ve / a-r-e<w some friends.

HI 'Jtl,

1 ' _ l>ave’> * rc*\\y acoJ

+ irv>c kerc. Tkc su* ‘ _

Lskinol trd the    ii Wały. Art the mcru-cft, Sow.

ea4e. We 1 2 3 4 5 6 .

. tiitł in « teach _l**«it7 -fev sui>

Wek to ttrrWc Loti o-f Mtenciting ^eofle

non TVc waitcn- c' .

with o.m kaneli.

. IwW hy. 1 m»Ai* itof _ t eomcl

Write questions and answers in the present cominuous or the present simpie.

► you / listen / to the ladio?

Are Voia li-~.serwa To tke re-A io/

No, 1 / tead this magazine.

Mn    r ■*' -t.-.l ir.M>    .-r.    i *•>»! .

1    a >»u / always / watch / this programme? b Yes, and I / enjoy / it.

2    a you / woik / at the moment? b No. I / not do anything.


3 a you / enjoy your meal?

2 Coinplete these sentences with one of these prepositions.

between in under next to on

b No, I / not feel very well.

► She's working

1    The phone U _

2    Theie is a bed

3 Theie are four people •1 They are playing_

waidiobe desk sofa fridge sink chest of diawers

_ hei Computer, the desk.

_ two waidrobes. _the beach.

_the garden.

5    My CDs aie in a box_my bed.

6    Sit_me, I want to talk to you.


3 Coinplete these sentences with the correct piece of furnłture.

► She’s woiking at hei deck.

1    You can wash >oui hands in that_

2    I often lie on the_and read


3    She's goi five diesses she never wears in hei

6 We eat oui dinnei in the evemng at a big labie in the_.

■mi ) s | iflni /3o i

4 Theie are some cold diinks in the

5 Theie's a coinputei and papei on the

6 The


is fuli of socks and t-shirts.


© Oxford University Press


/ 6 |

Coinplete these sentences with places in a honte.

► The house bas gol a big y-rśen with tiees in it.


   My father has got a_wheie he does

his work at borne.


   George is in the_making the dinnei.


   Let's go into the_and watch



   She giows segetables in the_at the

back of hei house.


   There is a place to put coats in the__


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