CO ConnccŁlona 2 TES7S 2P.qx<S 5/10/07 10:50 Pago 13
1 Write the questions in the past siniple and use one of the words front the box.
| why what who where when how |
► you / buy that shirt?
Vok C'iA.y tkc^t
In a łocal clothes shop.
1 you / get a ticket fot the conceri?
1 used the Internet. 2 you / see the Alm?
A week ago.
3 Joe / shout at you?
Beeause he was angty with nie. 4 >ou / see in Romę?
Ali the famous places.
5 you / And her address?
On a piece of paper. 6 you / tell?
Nubody - it’s a seciet.
2 Complete the contradictions.
► You’te angry. No._>■ --*__
1 They aten't very frlendly.
2 He earns a lot of money.
3 Ii wasn‘t a good patty.
4 You talked too much.
5 It doesn't happen very often.
6 She didn‘t hear me.
/ & |
3 Complete the words to make countries or nationalities.
► I met a Bel 3. j_ student last week.
1 He plays for a Sp_____football team.
2 He studied at a unlve«ity tn Ge_____.
3 He often goes to Ru____on business.
4 She's got a lot of It_____friends.
5 Sonie membeis of my family went to live in
6 He works for a Ch_____company.
/ 6 |
4 Complete the sentences with rmisfrTt or nor have to and the verbs in brackets.
► Wl* to Kuri |
■_<_ (hurrv) - we*ve goi |
lots of time. | |
1 You |
(post) this lettei |
today - it can go tomorrow. | |
2 The teaeher says that we | |
(talk) in lessons. | |
3 You |
(be) so i ude to |
people - it makes them angry. | |
4 I |
. (forget) to pay this |
bill - ifs very impoitant. | |
5 She |
(woik) at |
weekends beeause the company is closed then. | |
6 You |
(tell) me again - I |
undetstood you the first time.
5 Write these years in the way that you say them.
► |
1615 |
1 |
1965 |
2 |
1066 |
3 |
2001 |
4 |
1836 |
5 |
1500 |
6 |
1905 |
IflSi /io]
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