Daily routines, frequencyverbs, present simple 2
Daily routines /Frequency adverbs/Present Simple
My father wakes me up I wake up at 8 oJclock Does my father wake me up? Do I wake up at 8 oYlock?
My father doesn't wake rre up. I don't wake up at 7 oYlock.
You use the Present Simple when you want to talk about something you do regularly.
"I usualiy catch the bus. â€
To talk about facto that arc generałly truć. "The sun r/ses ever/ day. "
You can also use the present simple when you want to talk about your thoughts and feelings at the present moment.
7 don 't want to feel as if you don 'tfke me,"
Always, often, usually, sometimes, freguentiy, seldom, every da/, once a week, generally...
Tbey indicate how often
something occurs and are generally
We usually put these adyerbs:
â– Before fuli verbs: drive, say, feel. He always goes to school at 8 oYlock
â– This is what John does every day. Look at the pictures and using the present simple and freguency adverbs write about his daily routine.

l.Jfthn always wokes up at 7.30, then
2. kcscnibc your doiły noutine. Whot do you
usuolly do?
In the morning
In the aftcmoon
I the evening <4t night
3. Ask the questions:
V«ki: _?
John; I get up at 7.30 a.m_
You: _?
John; My mother wakes mc up er^e ryday.
You: _?
John; I usually have corn flakes for breakfast.
You: _?
John; I go to schoo-l by bas.
You: _?
John; No I donf, I go alone.
You: _?
John; Aft er c lass es I pcy basketball.
your; _ ?
John; I qo to bed at 10' p.m.
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