Describing character

Describing character

A)    Lookatthe picturesand label them with the words in the box.


CPcc^.sh 2. gojfiit


4.    CDoKte

5. Q psu-m Wed t. ®rave

t. 'pryinfl 8.

IC. gmart

11.    (JMjcc

12.    ftcnerous i5. gto

14. (Qcun

B)    Put the words in the box into the correctgroup:

-    Badqualities_

-    Good gualitjes:_

C) Match the sentences on the left with the repiies on the right

1.    My grandmolher wants to give me some money as a gift.

2.    She just walked straght past with out even saying hello.

3.    My sister always says please and thank you.

4.    She hates waiting for anything.

5.    She s very goods with children. I never worry ab out them when shes there.

6.    I really like Mikę s new girlfriend.

7.    Ann only thinks about herself.

3. She never gets angry, even when she has to explan things to them again and again.

9.    Shes always teiling jokes and playing tricks on people.

10.    Mark asked if he could use her car to get to the hospital, but she said no.

aj Oh, shes so rude.

b)    Iknow, shes very sensble, isn't she?

c)    Shes so se/ćsh.

d)    Yes, shes a verypo!ite girt.

ej Yes, she seams ioveiy, doesn'tshe? 0 Iknow, dies so impabent.

g)    Oh, she is so mean.

h)    I think she is too sftysomebmes, don't you?

i)    Yes, she is reaSy patient, /sn't she?

j)    She is afways so generous, isn 't she?


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