The hip-banded variations are used primarily for hip thrusts. but you can also
perform them with the glute bridge and frog pump. As I discussed in the hip thrust section. the band provides a uniąue exercise stimulus because there is less resistance in the bottom position and morę resistance in the top position.
This is a great option if you want to avoid muscle soreness and emphasize metabolic stress. Like most banded variations. I typically reserve these for the end of a workout in the form of a hiah-
repetition bumout.
To get the most out of hip-banded glute bridges. it’s best to perform them on a bench. If you attempt hip-banded glute bridges ffom the ground, it's difficult to get enough tension in the band. But using a bench takes the slack out of the band. and there is tension right ffom the start.
The problem is getting set up. The execution of the exercise looks great on Instagram. but what you don‘t often see is how difficult it is to get into the right position.