Configuring Backup Device Settings

For disk-based backups, you can configure the dcfault format for backups, thc location on disk whcrc backups arc storcd, whcther backup tasks run in parał lek and whether backups arc comprcsscd.

For tapc backups, you can configure settings such as thc number of tape drives and whcther backups arc compressed. On most platforms, you must integrate a media manager with the Oracle database to use sequential media for storage.

You can use Oracle Secure Backup, which supports both database and file system backups to tape, as your media manager. Oracle Secure Backup provides the same scrvices for RMAN as other third-party SBT interfaces. This section assumes that you make only disk backups.

Sec Also:

■"Rewinding a Database Using Oracle Flashback Database" on page 9-38

m O racie Database Backup and Recovery l)ser's Guide for morę details

about configuring a fast recovery area

Configuring Your Database for Basic Backup and Recovery

9-14 Oracle Database 2 Day DBA

Use the RMAN CONFIGURE command to configure backup device settings such as thc

default backup type, disk location to which database files arc backed up, and parallelism. Use the RMAN SHOW ALL command to view the currently configured settings.


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