Read and colour. Przeczytaj i pokoloruj.
a yellow teddy bear
a green rocket
a red bike
a blue car
a purple plum
a black cat

Circle the right colour. Fili in the missing letters in the box. Obrysuj właściwy kolor. Uzupełnij brakujące litery w ramce.
red |
—> |
J>> |
blue |
—:> |
K |
yellow |
—> |
R |
orange |
—> |
i |
purple • |
—> |
K |
orange |
—i> |
U |
blue |
—> |
T |
red |
—> |
I |
black • |
—> |
N |
red |
T |
1. An apple is
2. A banana is
3. An orange is
4. A cherry is
5. A strawberry is black
The secret word:

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