I. Read the lexl and fili in thc gaps with the words givcn
I. Read the lexl and fili in thc gaps with the words givcn
A |
Z |
?• s |
communication |
ovarics |
pancrcas endocrine |
r |
C |
* ? |
adjusted |
sccretcd |
areas physiological |
The endocrine system is the second main /*, system of thc body. It is
composcd of a number of specialized organs located in different _of the body.
They are callcd endocrine glands and arc designed for production of one or morę particular
hormones which are _dircctly into thc blood stream. Oncc thc hormones pass
into thc blood they are transported to all parts of the body. However, only ccrtain cells, known as target cells, are capable of responding to a particular hormone.
The glands of thc endocrine system arc: pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, islels cells
of thc y . adrenals and gonads-_£_and testes. The most important
endocrine gland is thc pituitary for among its secretions are a number of hormones affeeting other glands of thc system. Thcsc hormones arc callcd ‘trophic’ hormones bccause they stimulatc other glands at which they are directcd.
The ratę at which an endocrine gland secretes a particular hormone into the blood is
5~_to the physiological need for that hormone. Thcrc arc thrcc basie means by
which hormonal secretions are controllcd: ncrvcs, other hormones, and blood metabolite lcvcls.
Exccssivc hormonal secretion is usually the result of a tumorous growth of hormone-seereting cells, and leads to cxaggcratcd manifestation of thc normal hormonal actions. t
Dcficicnt hormone production results when the_1_gland is diseased. In
such case the hormone is not capable of carrying out its normal _activity.
2. Dccidc whether the statements are true of false
(1) All the endocrine glands are located in one area of the body
(2) The endocrine glands sccrctc enzymes dircctly into thc blood.
(3) The pituitary, iSfłie chief endocrine gland because its secretions contain hormones acting on other glands of the system
(4) The secretion ratę m /he glands is constant.
3. Maleli thc following tcrms and dcfinitions and translate them into Polish.
1. mctabolism ^
2. acromegaly (P
3. my\ocdcma b
4. hypoglycaem ia-^-
5. goitre ej
a) cxccssivc secretion of the parathyroid glands
b) a nictabolic disorder duc to insufficicnt function of thc thyroid gland
c) overactivity of the thyroid gland
d) an enlargement of the thyroid gland
e) a disease caused by cxccssivc function of thc pituitary gland
6. hypcrparathyroidism«SL 0 loo liltle sugar in the blood
7. hyperthyroidismC g) thc process by which foods arc transformed into nutrients
4. Usc thc words and fili in thc gaps in thc tcxt
(infundibulum, stalk, brain sella turcica, sphenoid. pituitary, basc, pea-shaped)
The pituitarv gland is a smali......................organ. It lics at the......................of the
brain in tfu^osśa of the......................bonc.This cavity is also callcd thc
......................The gland is attached to thc basc of the......................by a short
.......................thc...................... (neck, cricoid, lobes, trachea, isthmus)
The thyroid gland lies in thc lowcr part of thc....................... just below the
......................cartilagc Jt is composcd of two oval shaped.....................lying on the
cithcr sidc of thc......................which are joincd at the front by a narrow part of thc gland
called the......................
5. Translate into English
1) Niektóre gruczoły, jak: tarczyca, przytarczycc, przysadka i nadnercza, wydzielają jedynie hormony i są ściśle bezprzewodowymi gruczołami; inne, takie jak: trzustka, jajniki i jądra wydzielają nichormonalnc substancje przez przewody, a hormony do krwi.
2) Insulina jest białkiem, więc nie może być podawana doustnie (zostałaby strawiona), lecz musi być wstrzykiwana.
3) Przysadka mózgowa składa się z dwóch płatów.
4) Wszystkie hormony są związkami organicznymi, ale niektóre białkami, inne zaś mają prostszą budowę-są aminokwasami lub sterydami.
5) Hormony regulują czynności innych komórek.
6) Niedoczynność tarczycy to zmniejszone wydzielanie hormonów tego gruczołu.