Giving and receiving
Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?
6ift-qivinq in
:asions each year when |>cople u:
it, your 2tst birthday was the most important bccause i symboliscd bccoming an adult. People traditionally rcccivcd a key on that day to symbolisc opening the door to the adult world. Today, people in Britain legally become adults at the age of eigl so they often have the biggcst celebration on that birthday.
3 fciiiMWMri Work in palrs.
Student A: lnterview student B about giving presents. Student B: lnterview student A about receiving presents.
1 In the past, your 21st birthday was morę important than yourlSth birthday.
2 Today, people in Britain become adults at the age of 21.
3 In Britain, people have always exchanged presents on Christmas Day.
4 Parents put presents for young children in their bedrooms while they’re asleep.
5 Older children open their presents with the adults.
6 People open their presents on Christmas Day in the afternoon.
7 Mothers often receive chocolates or flowers on MotheYs Day.
8 When people get married, they give presents to the guests at their wedding.
2 Look at the list of special occasions. Which do you celebrate?
Tell the class about your partner.
lated? I
The custom of giving gifts on 25 Decembcr only dates back to Victorian timcs. Before that it was morę common in Britain to exchangc prcsents on New Year’s Eve (31 Decembcr) or Twelftl Night (5/6 January). Thesc days, on Christmas Eve parcnts put presents for young childrcn in 'stockings' and leave them in thcirl bedrooms while they arc aslccp. When the childrcn wake up in tli inoming, many of them beliere that Santa Claus has visited ihcral the night and brought them their prcsents. Gifts for older childrcm and grown-tips arc put around the Christmas tret- on Christmas Ej Then, on Christmas morning, cvcryone sits around the trcc and opens their presents.
Easter and Mother’s Day arc also important days. Young children*
usually rcccive chocolate cggs at Easter, and people ------ m
prcsents (us Day. People also
•O Unit 5 • Gifts
tie rodzinne i towarzyskie *