DSC00053 3

DSC00053 3

Unit 5 / Test A

Matura Mastera Elcmenlary

8 Nu podstawie podanych definicji odgadnij i napisz nazwy przestępstw. (I pkt za każdą poprawny odpowiedź • 4 pkt)

1.    When somconc steals from a supermarket    ______

2.    When somconc co pi es and sclls Ulegał Computer program*.    _

3.    When somconc attacks other people and steals their moncy.    _

4.    When somconc breaks public things, for cxample, public phones.    ■....... ...


9 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie określ, czy zdania 1-6 są prawdziwe (True\ fałszywe (FaJse), czy takiej informacji nie ma w tekście (No info). (1 pkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź -- 6 pkt)


The crime ratę among young people under 16 is now so high in some arcas of the UK that many local authorities plan to introduce curfews for tccnagers. This mcans that such tccnagers cannot stay out after a certain time, 10 at night usually, and the police have the right to pick them up from the streets and bring them borne. The police can do so under the 2003 Anti-Social Behaviour AcL But how do mcm bers of the local communities fccl about this drastic measure?

‘For tccnagers like mysclf and my friends who never get in trouble with the police it is a limitalion of our freedom’, says Konny, 15. ‘Bccause my parents know they can trust me and I do not want to havc any legał problems, I can visit my friends in the evcnings or go to the cincma lute at night But now it seems I can't do thcsc things which is just not fair.'

But older people feel very different about this problem. ‘The authoriUes musi think about all members of the local community and we arc roniły afruid of muggers and hooligans, especially in the evenings\ says Mrs Garth, 48. Tm quite surę that we can control teenage crime betler if young people cannot walk around the city lute at night and of course, everybody can feel much safer.’

However, not all adults agree that curfews can help to rcduce crime. Ann Peterson, 41, a local social worker says: ‘Most crimes, especiaUy acts of mugging and vandalism by young people happen between 3 and 6 prn when they finish their schools. The problem is thcsc people arc o tlen bored and haven*t got enough to do. One solution could be some extra activities at school in the aflcrnoons to keep them busy playing or doing other things rather than walking around and Iooking for trouble.’

1.    Some authorities want curfews bccuu.sc of problems with teenage crime.

2.    A curlcw mcans the police can take tccnagers to a police stalion.

3.    Some of Kcnny's friends arc teenage criminals.

4.    All Kenny's friends can go out lale.

5.    Mrs Garth thinks mugging is a scrious problem in her arca.

6.    One rcason for teenage crime is that many parents do not have enough time to control their chUdrat.





10 Na podstawie poniższej ilustracji odpowiedz na pytania. (1 pkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź * 4 pkt)

1.    Who are the people?

2.    Wherc are they?

3.    Why do you think they are aggressiye? _______ ■/..

4.    Whut ahould tho police do about football bootiganim? Givc argument* foryour opinion.

Arkadtust Mędela    O MacmtUcm Polaka 2008


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