

5. Peter (powinien')........CVV©L..............stop amoking.

6.    Their product is (tak)..........CO................experi8lv© flint nobody want to buy


7.    It was (tak)...................... good job that evorybody wanted to get it.

Reading an artlcle

Read Ihis article about work trends.

For each question 1-6 choosc tlić corrn l .»n\vv«» Mark one letter (A, II or C).

Work trends

łfqry^ .\yii/ all \\york iń. thŁ./iuujne?- fić asketi Pater -///? IJiri^ttitttjg&fcirićigernent Enttrrjyrises, t<> giyę mas hts.v/v77ii.s' is    hu .saitl.

People cujrcntly spciui tof> many hours ai work Jand loo mąny hours truveUing/<> jukI front wolk. I don’t.think.this wiji .cKąii^c much -i-^in Tact, comp^i^ wi!| :ęęjcęt cryefyone. ^poe^isibnaily work at wcęicęnds. But i ii , the . Fufure I thmic’tfuit ir\óre- póbjpie wiU work at homc and use c-maił morę to communicate with each óther. Business travcl will becorr|e less fre-quent as people. hołd their mcetings using video' corifercnccs.

I think we’U also sec . móre tecitinológy iij/.thc "• wodcplacc. Many poople enjoy working iń- ołTiccsl^liat offer all the latest equipment, so companies will have tó ■work hard to ofYer the best machińes and software on tlib market in order to ensure that thesc people choosc to ’w°dc for thetn, not their riyals. Thć incteascd use of. e-.

"will mćan that there will be IcsS /acc-^ó-face communicatioń. althoiigh, df couisei c-mail will never bc : to replace social inteiraćtion eńtireiy. Companies' wól, though. have to arrange more out-of-hours ąćt iyities ' ■ for. Staff, such as a meal itl'a restaurant after. wciric of a wedcend break tn tłiO cótlhtry; so tłiat ćol lea^^ b&ń •' meet and social ise e ffćctively.

; In my o^inlon; jtyollifn will reshaj>e the workpl.jcf; naore iii;;the futurę qm they start to tzike ort rtiore ścirtor' joh^ in conipanipfi. Tjii*, wilk not jusl bcintradiiionii arcąk/jfor wómcii suci* iih .hułnan resources, but also iń firuincę. Training, uh>, wlilchapge. People Will still need initial training wlien tlicy start a new job, imd‘they Wift alęp cóMtiriuc to need (in-going training,. particularly in usihg the ncw technolngy in their workpUicc. Howevcr, I Jhink the way training is de1ivcred will change. I don*t think staff will bc ablć ip attend clasacs outsidc the .‘compai^* any móre. Thoy will havc to study at their ‘deskś; e-dearning will betoinc the most usual form of traińirig for all employóe^ cvcn for mahagers

Althótigh job security1' is afready an issuc in some companies, I think the situation will become much worse. People will havc to change jobs morę often, perhaps after ońiy one or fwo montlis, -and people will have to Work for mole. t}tan- one organisation at a -tiinc. I don‘t think saTsudeślWilfincreasę, bui people wili be eapected to take bń móre; responsibility. ■ I think that cmployecs wrill Vth;ejręfpró find it d.iffięult to rcrńain motivated and loyal to the .co mjjańy, or ćompanjes, they are worki ng for.

4    Peter thinks that in the futurę women will A choose to work from home morę.

B influence the way companies operate morę. <C) manage staff from morę than one department.

5    What does Peter say about training in the futurę? A There will no longer be any initial training for

new staff.

B On-going training will take place at local organisations.

(cT^ All employees will receive training via their computers.

€> Peter predicts that in the futurę

A job security will not be an issue.

(b) people will have morę than one job.

C salaries will be double what they are now.



Peter predicts that people will

A travel morę often for business.

sometimes have to work seven days a week.

C have meetings less frequently.

Which of these predictions does Peter make?

A Companies will compete to reeruit staff.

B Equipment will become much cheaper.

Senior staff will get the best computers.

Peter predicts that

A colleagues will only be allowed to communicate via e-mail.

*5) employers will organise social events for their staff.

team-building sessions will be arranged for em ployees.


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