anu rui* »evcrai rngn ouuiers. i ric* nnoimrap i page /71* a eompiMeiMntemlv& iool for getting accuratc confidenee intcrval§ without the normality condition. Three bootstrap s/ rn u I ations, eacft wlth 10,000 repetitions, gxva these 95% confidenee intervals for mean sale# In the entfre region: (20.42, 27.26), (20.40, 27.18), and (20,48, 27.28).
(b) Find the 95% t confidenee intervai for the mean. It is essentially the sarnę a* the bootstrap lntervals. The lesson is that for sample s i/e s as largeasw * 50, / procedures are very robust.
7.10 What critical value t* from Table D should be used for a confidenee intenai
for the mean of the population in eaeh of the following situations?
(a) A 95% confidenee intemil based on n m 15 observatlons.
(b) A 90% confidenee interval from an SRS of 25 observations.
(c) An 80% confidenee interval from a sample of size 30.
7.11 Use software to find the critical values t* that you would use for 95%
confidenee intcrvals for sample si/es of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, asilOO.
Plot the values of /* versus the sample si/e and describe the relationship.
7.12 The one-samplc / Itatiftic for testing
Ho1. M - 0 Ha\ H > 0
20 obiemtions has the value / 1.87.
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