

4.3. Affricates and fricatiyes 1. FU) )n the gaps:

Płosi ves, affricates and fiicatives belong to the group of consonants known as thlunnL sińce they share several features:

a) .........................................................-----

b) --------------------------------------------------

c)    ...... ..................-.................--

d) ......................................................—.............fSKl

Affricates resemble plosiyes in that in the first stage of their production ...........

..................................is madę. They differ from plosives, howeyer, in that    ___Ig

...........................^—.............-------------so that frictkn occtirs. Thus, they canbe regarded

as a combination of..............and .............. Fricatiyes, afcn caOed

.............................................................. differ both fiom plbsives and affricates in that no

-    ............................................................. Instead, the articulating organ

form..................................................... through which the air passes with

2. Which of the factors used to describe pIosives are appUcable in the case of affricates and fricatives?

a)    aspiration....n*....

b)    different types of release............

c)    partia! devoicing...........

d)    the fortis/Ienis distinction..............

e)    the shortening of certain preceding sounds.................


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