

Charakterystyczna londyńska taksówka

shouting at people to get out of the wąy is natu-raily accepted, but normal intonations are frow-ned upon. Start actually talking to someone who’s just moved to London and doesn'l know any better. But don’t worry if this sounds like .you> You'II leam. o

Adapted f rom GAT, Juty8,2002

4S. When somebody says that he or she likes public transport, people usually think that this person:

A. is extremely strange,

EL runs over smali mammals,

C.    votes on Stors In Their Eyes,

D.    is adirty nutter.

4JL Public transport is fascinating to the author because:

A,    it shows the real life,

B.    it.is pretty rough,

0, all sortsof people use it,

D, people push each other around.

4.3. in the author's opinion the most inieresting conwersation is:

A.    on the train,

B.    with the cab driver,

C.    when you are drunk.

Dl with the football player.

4.4.    Majority of people like meeting:

A.    the same people all the time, k

B.    people who are shnilar to thera.

C.    carefully crafted people,

D.    people who are different than they.

4.5.    If you talk to the tired-looking. middle-aged man:

A.    he will get bored,

B.    you will hear bow he feełs,

C.    his problems will shock you,

D.    your worrics will seem smalłer.

4.6.    On the bus people usually talk abotc

A.    buses tnwelUng behind.

B.    other passengers,

C.    the bus conductor,

D.    problems with a pass.

4*7. On the Underground train:

A. everybody whispers,

B.    you must shout to get out,

C.    normal coiwersation is commoa.

D.    only newcotnere speak.

4A Generally, this text cmi be

A.    serious*

B.    satincal.

C.    dramatic.

O. infonnauve.

| 4KujonPplrirf• —■twr«2007 I IniiMMmaoor «<lMm»ii>VboBM« «<w»igiWMij<nin i» ni

Zadani* 4. (8 pkt)

*—uytty tekst I    W egodns zJago tnidą zakończeni* ateń 4±4J. Zaznacz literę A. B. C luto D

I H tesśdą poprawną odpowtodt otnymwt 1 punkt


I Admitting (o 8 ngm§ to moi you out as toe-l I B S sicio of the highcst order. You maj urIJ I ta up tfocrr ftd the sort oT people who run I ovcr snuli mammul.s for fun. or voie on &arj I b Tkdr Eyes. Ybu sec. etery tirne 1 mention toiKherMhailani fondofpubiiŁtran.spon they ! stert (o frotb with disbeliel. So whal if it*s dir-I ty, owarcrowded and fuli of nutters? Whcrc d-i srean youbesbovvdin witfaa wfaoiegroupof i people of a bugely yąrying dempgrapbic nin-' ge ar 8.30on a weekday morning?

People who daa'( like or understand public I transport arc missing the wbok point about li-I fe entiirh . OK, the transport bit of it is pretty I rough. but tbc other bit tbe public bit is fa-I sciiMtmg. Bccausc it exdudes no-onc (unlcss | Cbc ticker machinę bas an issue with your smali I change that day) and becauseitpushes people I around. itsjustperfect far soda! analysis.

| ifyou'veeverhadaconversation with sotne-I one on a long train joumey. .vou’ll know whal |

I mean. Ybu can keepyour eon versations witbH cab drircrs. as these are mostly incoherent. j Either iTs your fauit because you are very drunk. or ifs the cabbies’ as they usually ha-i we thecomiminication skillsofarecently sent I off football player. But when you've started I chatting with sotneone on a train or bus the co-1 i irwrsalion can go. welL.. anywhere. j If you're like me, then your entire work and I soda] life probably consists of meeting tbe sa-; me people. with the same tastes in pretty much I ' ewerything, pretty much all the time. Of cour-se, tfais bas been wery careliilly crafted over many years. and 1 usually go to great lengths to avoid people who aren’t like me. But once you're out tbere trapped in a train carriage, the baneries on yowr Walkman havegone down and you've finished your book, why don't you start talking (o the tired-looking. middie-aged man?

So. tbecomersation will probably be boeing.

But I bet you'11 be feeling so much better abo-ut your life after you’ve done it Once you've heard his aiuueties aboul his children's taste. indrugsar the problems he'sbeen hawing with his lawnmower. you'11 be just so pieased not to be that peron that all your hassles will com-pleiely dtsappear.

Trains are definilely the best for stnkińg up Jnprobable conversations, but buses are not farbehind. With buses there is always the in* finilc Ihem and us" camaraderie between pas* sengen. rogarding the conductor. Once the con-ductor H madę you look through your enti* r I pass fur a two-stop joumey, the get rid of your annpyance is to sha-the person ncxtto you.

\ one esoeptkm to «U (his public trans-M. No-onc speaks to any-Whispering to pe*

' le, and


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