Can use structures to talk about tbe past
Can discuss personai puałities and first impnesskms
Can understand \vord stress
Ytv»rk in smali groups and discuss thcse cucsiions
1 VTIui do you usuaDy nohee about pcvpic whcn you first mcci them?
2 Whar can this tdl you about them?
3 Arc your first impressions usualiy right?
You arc going to read an article about the importancc of orfour in lim impressions.
March thc pairs of adfcctrves to the eołours \\M) assodatc them wiih.
1 fun entertaining
2 decp ; spiritual
3 crearive artistic
4 supemoal submissive
5 enthusiasrk: ambitious
6 duli boring
calm le\el-hcadęd §1 S dependable rabonaj
Do przeczytania to co w ramce
Worrying about what to wear to that all-important interyiew? First impressions couni, but dressing right doesnt fust mean looking smart. Forget the actual clothing and think morę about cotours: the hues that you choose coułd say morę about you than you think to a futurę employer.
RED suggests assert rveness and energy. People who wear red are entiiuslastfc. ambitk>us and singie-minded. wNch makes ;t a good coiour to wear if you want to come across as a go-getter.
PiNiK corsveys fluffy bunny. Avoid wearing thrs to an mtenńew. as »:'$ a co Jo u r that suggests a submissive personałrty and lack of deptti.
s for cheerfutness and a good sense of humour. Yeflow people are fun-loving and greganous -*deal for someone who wants to work with others as a team-płaye-or an entertainer. but it coułd signal to your prospective boss that you*re a bil of a down.
?s *°r intellect. This coiour is associated with efficiency and dependabiitty. ft’s good for iawyers and accountants who want to convey a rational. conyentional image, but too sensible for designers and art teachers.
PURPLE has spiritual connotations. łt tełls an intenriewer that you like to be Jeft on your own to meditate. YouYe sełf-sufficient and independent, bu peopłe may think youYe a bit of a I©ner.
GREFN stands for balance and tolerance. People w wear green are fair, calm under pressure and unflapi making them suttabłe as doctors, Iawyers and tełevr presenters.
GREY is bohng. so don*t wear personałity and seff-conhdence. Be it shows a łąck of conv»ctron
On ANGC is for creativfty and sensuałity inłerv»ewer that you Ye open-mtnded and even a łłttłe eccentnc. Great for entertam* wriłers.
? lec bi*
t suggests nefftte
2 givc a bad imprcsston?
3 may flt\t a ratatcd intprc»$łoa^