17233 Jak pisać po angielsku StronaH

17233 Jak pisać po angielsku StronaH

O C Wystqpienie z roszczeniem o odszkodowanie 00 Making an insurance claim

Budapesti Vegyi Miivek

Budapest XII Radnoti Miklos Utca 23 1367


Policy No.: GLX/342-00/93.

14    May 20..

Insurance Accident Europę

Insurance House




Dear Sirs

15    Drums of Bitumen (10.565 kg)

We took delivery of the above-mentioned consignment on 19 April and regret to inform you that 3 of the drums are badly dented with some leakage having occurred. We enclose photographs of the damage for your information and our insurance agents survey report.

We have so far approached both Glaxo Chemicals Ltd, the suppliers, and Eurofreight Ltd, the haulage company, and as neither of these parties will accept liability we are tuming to you on the advice of Eurofreight Ltd to claim compensation.

Please refer to the enclosed insurance agents survey report for details of the damage and an assessment of the replacement costs. We also enclose copies of all documentation authenticated by the British Consulate in Budapest.

We trust you will send us the necessary claims forms at your earliest convenience to ensure that this matter is settled once and for all.

We have already incurred losses because of this situation and reserve the right to make a claim for them.

We also wish to point out that, should we incur further losses as a result of our customer's cancelling the order owing to delay in delivery, we will also claim compensation for loss of business.

We look forward to your early reply in this matter.


Georg Zold Goods Inwards


consignment przesyłka Insurance agent agent ubezpieczeniowy survey report protokół z badania supplier dostawca

accept liability przyjąć odpowiedzialność on the advice of za czyjąś radą claim compensation domagać się odszkodowania

replacement wymiana towaru na inny documentation dokumentacja authenticate poświadczyć, uwierzytelnić claim form formularz zgłoszenia szkody ensure zapewnić once and for all raz na zawsze incur further losses ponosić dalsze straty cancel the order odwołać zlecenie delay in delivery opóźnienie dostawy loss of business utrata zlecenia



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