Jak pisać po angielsku StronaF

Jak pisać po angielsku StronaF

0 1 Prośba o otwarty termin płatności 0 1 Request for open account terms

November 25, 20..

Seaboard Industries pic Grand Avenue HOVE BN3 2LS Great Britain

Ladies and Gentlemen:

As you know, we have been customers of your company for almost two years now and have always settled our invoices punctually by letter of credit in the pre-agreed way.

This is why we feeł that we can now reąuest you to grant us payment on open account terms for further deliveries, viz a 3-month payment period against presentation of your ąuarterly statement.

We feel that we have now eamed this short-term credit facility, particularly because we aim to be placing further and possibly morę substantial orders with you in the near futurę.

Awaiting your news with interest,

Sincerely yours,

Marting & Campals Inc.

Christopher E Jefferson Assistant Manager

settle an invoice uregulować rachunek presentation przedłożenie

in the pre-agreed way w sposób uzgodniony wcześniej grant przyznać viz mianowicie

a 3-month payment period 3-miesięczny termin płatności

z konta

short-term credit facility

krótkoterminowe możliwości kredytowe morę substantial orders większe zlecenia

letter of credit akredytywa    quarterly statement kwartalny wyciąg

QO Przesłanie faktury OZi Sending the invoice

Your ref: Fm/ly Our ref: SM/52/ip

7 January 20..

Mr Arthur M Jones Laser Engineering Ltd 1 Victoria Sąuare BIRMINGHAM BI 1BD

United Kingdom Dear Mr Jones

Your Order 835/XI of 15 Dec 20..

We are pleased to inform you that the articles, as per the above--mentioned order, were despatched by lorry yesterday. They will be shipped across the Channel on board SS Marina tomorrow and are due to arrive at your premises at the beginning of next week.

Please find enclosed our invoice No. 351 685 T for € 17,850.00 including all transport costs. We would ask you to settle it either by bank transfer or by cheąue within 30 days, subject to the usual early payment discount of 3 per cent.

We trust that you will receive the goods in perfect condition and remain at your service for further deliveries at any time.

Yours sincerely Comercial Argentina, S.A.

Luis Reville López Export Dept.

by lorry samochodem ciężarowym    by cheque czekiem

the Channel kanał La Manche premises teren (firmy) transport costs koszty transportu lottle uregulować, zapłacić by bank transfer przelewem bankowym

within 30 days w ciągu 30 dni the usual early payment discount

zwyczajowy rabat za szybką płatność further deiiveries dalsze dostawy



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