18 August 20..
Satic Optik GmbH Kemnaderstr. 33 58456 Witten Germany
Attention: Mr Holler Dear Mr Holler
Balance Due: €4,231.92
Interest Accrued: € 352.58
Despite repeated reminders your account still remains unpaid. Unless I receive a remittance covering all balances due within four days from the datę of this letter I will have no alternative but to instruct our solicitors to take legał action against you.
In this case proceedings will be instigated without further notice to regain the sum owed, the interest accrued for the outstanding period and the costs of legał action.
Alan Gore Credit Controller
balance due saldo debetowe interest accrued powstałe odsetki remittance przelew, wpłata instruct polecić solicitor prawnik
take legał action against you podjąć kroki prawne przeciwko Państwu proceedings postępowanie (sądowe)
instigate wszcząć
without further notice bez dalszego powiadamiania regain odzyskać outstanding zaległy costs of legał action koszty postępowania sądowego
5 April 20..
Sovereign Assurance Ltd London Regional Marinę Branch 24 Limę Street LONDON EC3 7JE
Dear Sir or Madam
Please let us have your ąuotation for insurance cover against all risks, warehouse to warehouse, for a consignment of:
50 bales of raw silk from Liverpool to Marseille on board the vessel "M.S. Northern Star" of the M&P Linę.
Replacement value is £5,000.
Cover is reąuired as from June lst.
Yours faithfully Tumpike Trading Co. Ltd.
Ronald Soames Director
raw silk surowy jedwab vessel statek
replacement value wysokość odszkodowania
as from od (dnia itp.)
quotation oferta (cenowa) insurance cover ubezpieczeniowe pokrycie ryzyka warehouse magazyn consignment wysyłka bale bela