\VvMa QLW- •
Sprąwdz. s\t’oją osobpwośc!
Ottestiennaire anatysis
\uu icored 11 pointa or mun: You ncvcr lakę hic too gticd €>f huffiiHifi. dlttkłu^h you mtd to bc My be* tSMI ot cverybodx'% pan> Iim > but mn rwccssarily
\ i>u re a good team-ptay*
inK łire a go~gener. Noih in«i orgunised. You rc — vou mav eonie across ^
You ic^hinI 9 to 12* No c^frcii mrn to włsen ihc> necct good ad '-ftot be aurruog for tbc top** t
You ^cortd i or frwer: You cc Che top, Vo«'rc ambitwus, focusc kaow Ikm to ftt i.Ł But bc c»d »ay to Ak top.
rfv. Ytiure creativc, enthimasuc and have ?ouYe not seen as a bit ctf a cknm. You Efcutivc materia].
ttionai • depeodabk person wito firiends a balancr betwcen work and Idsure.You od yoTfl eajoy life wterr^er you do.