IV. Completc the aentenees helów w Uh the eoereet worda fkHtm the ho*, (ijłn,)

^ harveatcd etw\|)Ffttód apt^ed eousijjriolion oov6rs onnW(fe~ męds I proces warohduae tb|n\a de^lgnota aaotifón- ol^jfg _ gatk^r


1. A.S aooi\ aa wlntcr Mcglna, a temu of anow hut kiera, arohltecta,,,,    and artists from

over the worldWi^f.uuiu In Swedlah Uapland.    f

2.    Evory yoar,they    anowveratonofloo Hotel,

3.    Lee blooks aro ,    y>łV^ i" spring IVom the Tome Rlver and stored in a huge

..AtfrfiteNrt*. a

4.    The bulldtng ...A,,.« starta Inntld«Novontber    theTomeRiver.

5.    The snów la ..Offtton huge Steel    ......and allowedto freeze.

6. The rosuk U a mufpf Ihs^standlng,,,,,,,.....of snów.

m |||| ......^ę.TiLsWssf.To./l,,,,,,, ot'tl\e leo Hotel la done In aoveral phases.

8 The krat pluwała ,,,,,,, ,4,,«„, around Uecember 10lh andcach weekthereafterane .. riw$    opona. ,

o The hotel....    < > & itWtf• ./tan aroa of 5,000 square metres,


10. When gprlnga arrlvo8 the hotel    .........and goos back to the river.

V.Tri»iiNlatc! (13p)


a survey - **.«**''*    /f

fc. fosslllbels -    4

p, carbon dioxide -    '19n

i4. adrawback ■ *>JS^y* ^ j fS. ingredients - ok*** n' . / .

16. thaw - aaU'« f\

7. to smooth O , t , y a

8.    ohandelier - \*)«**** A( ■

9.    kopuła - * ■>-«"» "gy

L10, krzywa łańcuchowa    y'

il 1 .kampaniu reklamowa    U

p2„ "wyskukujiice” roklamy w Internecie -

13|reklama telewizyjna •    ^o^wcł^




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