

Vriting file


Management Committee Meeting Agenda





7 April 14.00

Building B Room 10-213 JS, AH, RG, PK, TB

Always put the datę, time and venue (place). It is also usual to include the initials of the participants.

1.    Apologies, minutes of last meeting and matters arising.

2.    Sales projections for next quarter.

3.    Recruitment and Capital expenditure required for no. 2.

4.    Company bonus scheme.

5.    A.O.B.

6.    Datę of next meeting.

The first point on the agenda is usually handled by the chairperson. He/she will explain why anybody is absent, check through the minutes from the last meeting, and altów participants to briefly comment on anything relating to the previous meeting (matters arising).

The points are then worked through. They should be arranged so that they lead logically into each other, if possible.

A.O.B. means any other business. This is for other relevant issues that were not included in the agenda.


Westpak Ltd Company Guidelines

Welcome to Westpak, the company that cares!

As a new employee you probably have many ąuestions that you wish to ask about your new position. To help you settle in ąuickly, here are answers to some of the most freąuently asked ąuestions.

1.    How does the flexi-time system work?

I Ali employees at Westpak are individuals with their own particular eircumstances. We believe that it is your responsibility to work out with your supendsor a Schedule that is fair to both you and the company. As long as your work is done as efficiently as possible. you can do it when you like. That is why our offices are staffed 24 hours a day.

2.    How should I dress?

Most of you will be in regular contact with customers. It is important that they should feel confident about the seryice they will receive from Westpak. We suggest that you dress in a wray which is smart and business-like as a mark of respect to our clients.

3.    How are interpersonal problems dealt with?

Teamwork has always been the key to success at Westpak and

anything which is likely to damage co-operation between team members has

to be dealt with as ąuickly as possible. If you feel that efficient...

( 1 Guidelines vary enormously

from company to company

and industry to industry. Itis

important to distinguish

between guidelines

and regulations.

Regulations are reąuired for ensuring the legally correct handling of a contract, or the safe operation of a piece of machinery, for example.

The language used in regulations is therefore much morę directive.

Guidelines are also important for ensuring the smooth operation of the company, but they often touch on areas of human behaviour where it is not easy to dictate to people.

The language must therefore be morę persuasive and less directive, or else personnel will object.




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