For questions 51-60, completc the second sentcncc so that it has a similar meaning to the fłrst scntence, using thc word given. Do not changc the word given. You must usc between two and fhre words, including thc word given.
51. lf I did meet Mr Fawkes on Novcmber S, I have forgotten about it. not
I...............................................................................................Mr Fawkes on Novcmber 5.
52. Smoking is forbidden In all partS of the college, anywhcrc
Students are not..............................................................................................the college.
53. Jack's hand had been bleeding. blood
Therc.............................................................................................................Jack’s hand.
Sd. I have not eaten sińce breakfast yesterday. eat
The last time I had.................................................................................breakfast yesterday.
55. Emma had never been to a football rnatch before. time
It was............................................................................................been to a football rnatch.
56. Thut's not your bicyde! to
That bicyde.................................................................................................................you.
57. This car is too smali to take all our luggage. room
In this car there lsn’t.........................................................................................our luggage.
58. Most people had left the party by mklnight. only
Aftcr midnight there...........................................................................people left at the party.
59. fcvorybody ignored the firc-alarm. any
Nobody...................................................................................................of the fire-alarm.
60. It is absolutcly certa in that Shakespeare wrote this play. no
There.............................................................................that Shakespeare wrote this piny.