

12a Grammar: Causative form

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence u

Do not change the word given. You must use bet^een three and eight words. includm^th ^ 9v

1    Ali the arrangements were madę by his secretary. everything

He    .....

................................................ by his secretary.

2    She burnt her hands during the fire. got

she    MehidóuĄ

........................................................... the fire

3    Are you going to have the roof fixed before winter?


11 An ophthalmic optician carried out G operation on his eye. perform

He ................. .


on his

-    1115

12 It would be a good idea for your teeth to' ^ capped, you know. ought

You ...........................


■*- f    . ►. O ^    •    » m~i»

before winter?

4 ~Our broken immersion, heatery must be repaired / “ «

urgently seen

you know. the

§ ~

13 A party will be thrown for the twins when return, them

The twins ................................-


.............................................when they return

..........    >4 We „*d to reod fairy.aleS to our Mim c

.......................................................... urgently.

5    The Windows need draught-proofing. have wtLd

You'll .?{(>..    ......

............................................... draught-proofed.

6    A famous architect designedffheir new home. had

They .U^DL.^fr?

io    ......................their new home.

It would be a good idea for an accountant to sort

out your tax problems.


You /M&bU<d. . .

...................................an accountant.

8    Her wedding dress is going to be madę by a famous designer.


She . lyźA,..    . i/k&Ą...

• •• CięĄAJĄtf&ęk................ by a famous designer.

9    Joes brother treated him to a meal. paid

Joe . itdiśd*"..    ........................................

....................................... for him by his brother.

10    Henry is going to ask for professional help to upgrade his PC.



.............. his PC.



Our children

at bedtime

4 Underline the correct item.

0    Could you please have the parcel deliver/deliven by midday?

1    No matter what Jo said, she couldn't get him see/see her point.

2    Sam had his ankle broken/had broken his ankle

the rugby match last night.

3    Jane had her favourite vase smashing/smashed

the removal men.

4    Get to move/moving, will you? We'll miss the tra

5    You should have seen to this/have this seen to

soon as possible.

6    Our teacher had us working/to work in pcirs this project.

7    Cassie had her telephone reconnected/1 reconnected her telephone after she'd pod the ’



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