

1 ttm idcntify md hjc diffzrtnt vcrb pattenu.

. people.

. my exams.


. nervouswhen a





0 you want to have a shower but theres a big spider. Do you

a avoid havinq a shower? b have a shower anyway?

% you're at a party where there are a lot of people you don't Know. Do you a decide to leave? b spend time making new friends?

'.$■ Travellinq by piane is very safe, but what is your opinion of flyinq? a / cant help fee/ing neryous b / dont mind f!yinq at all

I Somebody offers to qive you a free Met to a big rock. concert. Do you a say no because you cant stand beinq in a very !arqe crowd ofpeop/e? b accept the ticket?

0 you)e in a lift when it qets stuck Do you a fee! scared because you imaqine beinq in the lift for hours? b wait patiently and hope to be free soon?

% A friend suqqests doinq a bungeejump. Do you a refuse to do it because youte afraidof heiqhts? b aqreetodOit?

2 Look at your answers and count the as and bs. Are you fearless (mostty bs) or phobic (mostly os)?

Study the information in the Leara this! box. Underline all the verbs In the questionnalre that are followed by the infinitive or -ing form of another verb.

Si 1 Some verbs are followed by the infinitive of another verb.

* l'm pretending to be ill.

2 2 Some verbs are followed by the -ing form of ^ another verb.

I don’t fancy going out tonight.

Complete the tabte with the verbs that you underlined in the questionnaire.

Verb + infinitive

Verb + -ing form



• •• Grammar Builder (ID): page 104

5 Complete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in the box.

be chat feel pass help pay study wait

My dad is really kind. He always offers . I'm quite optimistic. I usually expect_

My friend Sarah is really impatient. She can't stand

Sammy is really generous. He always offers _ lane is very hard-working. She doesn't mind _ hours.

Pm very ambitious. I often imagine_rich and


Mark is so talkative! He keeps_even when nobody

is listening!

8 My sister is so shy. She can't help . boy talks to her.

Complete the sentences with an infinitive or •ing form and true information aboutyourself.

I usually avoid...

I really can't stand ...

I don’t mind ...

I spend a lot of time ...

I really want...

I sometimes pretend...

7 UiJMMIMd Tell the dass your sentences. Does anybody have the same answers?

Unit 1 • The real you f


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