Ford Mondeo Service And Repair Manual

Ford Mondeo Service And Repair Manual

Ford Mondeo

Service and Repair Manuał

Jeremy Churchill and A K Legg LAE MIMI


Models covered

Ali Ford Mondeo models with four-cylinder petrol engines,
Including special/limited editions 1597 cc, 1796 cc and 1988 cc

Does not cover Diesel or V6 engines. or four-whee!-drive models

Prhted by J H Haynes & Co. Ud, Sparkford, Nr Yeov1l. Sorrorset BA22 7JJ

Haynes Publlshlng

SparWord. Nr Ysov1l. Somerset BA22 7JJ. Ei>;land Haynes North Amsrlca, Inc

861 Lawrcfice Drtwe. Mevsbury Park, Caiifcrnia 91320. USA

•e Haynes Publishlng 1996

A Cook h me Haynes Servlce and Repair Manuał Serles

Ali rlghts reserved. No part of mis book may be reproduced or transmltted In any form or by any means, electronlc or mechanlcal, Including ptiotocopylng, recording or by any Information storage or retrleval system, wlthout permission in wrltlng from me copyright holder.

ISBN 1 85960 167 7

Brltlsh Llbrary Catalogulng In Publlcatlon Data    Editions Haynes S.A.

A cataiogue record for tns bo:* is avaitobie from ti>e Bridsh Ubrary.    147/149. rue Sairt H:nor*. 75001 PARis, France


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