When academics started to research services and the service industry or the service component of manufacturing company products, they had plenty of misconceptions and misunderstandings about its role and concept. Quinn (1988) argued that the added value in the case of services is not Iow but significant as opposed to different opinions. He proves otherwise, rebutting the Iow Capital intensity myth and the ‘service cannot produce wealth’ point as well. Traditional service characteristics
The most common theory in this era was the distinction of service and goods which became a popular philosophy (Woodruffe, 1995). Most authors define services as something new and different from goods on which the literaturę and research focused earlier. They determined four basie characteristics which are still taught and applied in the present: intangibility, perishability, inseparability, heterogeneity.
According to Rushton and Carson (1989) it is accepted that services and goods are different. The ąuestion is in what ways and to what extent they differ and if it is relevant. They State -as others do in this topie - that it is inappropriate to State that services are intangible and goods are tangible because they both contain elements from each group, only the ratio is the different. This proportion determines the necessary marketing and management practices.
The tangibility/ intangibility discussion is one of the most argued issues in the service literaturę. As the classification of service literaturę shows, the difference between goods and service in the intangibility/tangibility dimension is still relevant according to some researchers, including the recent account by Hellen and Gummerus (2012). However they think that the concept should be changed and modemised.
Hoffman and Bateson's (1997) concept of service includes that a product can be a service and goods as well. They still believe that there should be a difference madę between goods and services and the most important characteristic is tangibility or intangibility, although the other characteristics are mentioned as well. It is actually true that in this sense intangibility can be the fundamental difference between these two concepts because some of the other characteristics for example perishability are the conseąuence of intangibility.
Zeithaml et al. (1985) also found intangibility to be the most important factor sińce it is mentioned by every author researching services. However, they admit that service companies can be very different