force; the subordinationi of man to technology, and technological cri-teria), and the human objectives of socialism. Fourth, closely related to the preceding point, the contradiction between an increasing need for the specialization and partialization of labor, and the socialist re-quirement of the »worker« to cease to be a partialized being and be-come emancipated, capablc of carrying out his historical function. Fifth, the contradiction between the tendency to employ efficient management techniques in order to overcome backwardness (in in-dustry, politics, and culture), which requires a firm, inflexible organi-zation, and the basie notion of socialism, i. e. the creation of a new type of community through free association of »producers«.

These generał contradictions in socialism as a system are manifest-ed in Yugoslav society in the form of a contradiction which stems from the still too great prerogatives of the State in the key issues of the social system and its development, and from the strengthening of the bureaucracy through a partial conception of self-management which appears to be destroying the old structure while failing to create a real basis for an essentially different model of social management. Also a contradiction between the old authoritarian conception of power and government embodied in the State as an institution, and in the style of work of the State and Party organs, on one hand, and the inaugurated self-management which implies that the authoritarian conception has been overcome, on the other. Finally, as a contradiction between the prevalence of undemocratic methods in the carrying out of plans formulated by the top State and Party organs, and the need for the making of decisions on a self-managing basis to be-come the dominant style of work. The latter presupposes developed democratic methods and a democratic mentality. (Common sense would have it that undemocratic mentality is most extensive in the people in generał; an empirical investigation should verify this sup-position, or prejudice, as well as the alternative one, according to which the roots of undemocratic mentality are to be found in func-tionaries at all levels).

Therefore, Yugoslav system has not outlined the ways in which these essential contradictions could be overcome, contradictions which have already buried certain »variants of socialism«.

The conclusion is that a revolutionary transformation (with respect to the conception of socialism and its practical applications) has still not been carried out. In order for such a transformation to occur, it is necessary to subject the suppositions underlying the socialist system in Yugoslav society to a thorough re-examination. Since the Yugoslav model of socialism emerged through certain corrections of the old (Soviet) model, which is explicable in terms of the necessity of the historical moment, further corrections cannot overcome the basie contradictions, on the resolution of which depends the futurę of socialism. A new revolutionary vision of socialism must be based on new premises which are only partly, and in a limited and insufficiently revolutionary form, contained in the Yugoslav model hitherto prac-tised. A revolutionary transformation may occur only as a conse-quence of a morę critical attitude to the results that have been achiev-



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