Indie makieta świątyni

Indie makieta świątyni

wiifcii Ul %atjgc numoers to islam and to ionn the majonty of Ute popuiation in areas fuch as the western Punjab and eastem Ben gal.

One should not forget the many smaller movements which have had a significant effect on Indian religion and politics and even funher afield. Sikhitm. which challenged both Hinduism and Ułam in the medieva] period, has not onły been a powerful force in its Punjabi homeland but has established substantial emigrt communities both in otherparti of India and abroad. The colonial period witnesaed a flourishing of H indu revivalism and a mamage between religion and nauonaiism Morę recenily, Indian religious movements have been successfully ezpoctediothe West and have had a significant impact on the European rationalist heritage.


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