cp 34

cp 34

What inspiration U thcrc to betler and dcancr methods of life. in the spectaclc of a musde-bound giant. trying to break an iron cbain with his hands or lift 400 or 500 pounds? But many of our profcssional and sclf-styled preachers of thc hcalth cult havc thc effrontery to State that tbcsc demonstrations arc thc sign posts to health and well being.

Cmpt. RtMłngmrt fo-4 *y. S or m o I mmuln, nolmrr't • O of fitńtf tttan bołh Mrrp amJ ttrengm.

Thosc exponents of physical education who can prcscribc methods of cxercisc to grow hair on your hcad. mend a broken rib. or curc defective eyesight. and many other cqually audacious pretensions. are eitber deluding themsclves, or the public. or per-haps, both themsclves and the public.

Health calls for a rcasonable posturę of tire body. It docs not cali for the lawyer. doctor or business man to maintain a standing army of musdes. so to speak. with which to snap crowbars in two. or to come homc and knock his wifc out.

There is a point where physical fitness ends and brutality begins in this question of musdes. We are warncd against exccss in eat-ing. or smoking, sleeping or working. and thcrc is an excess in physical excrcise as there is in any other activity.

The spccific danger in musclc building. running. football playing, swimming. etc., when thesc activitics are pur-sucd beyond the danger linę. lies in the heart. As is known. the heart is a musclc. the most important muscle in the entire system. Like other musdes. it grows to meet the demands madę upon it. but unfortunately it does not. like other musdes. contract to its original size when the demands upon it havc ceased.

It remains a huge organ, entircly out of proportion to thc rest of the system. The results of this condition arc well known. Leakiftg valves. murmurs, and a host of cardiac


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