MCU«i 14 34. Alcohołic hepatitis. A A photomicrograph show5 neęrosts and degenerat.on of hepatocytes -N*inoph»l.c mciusiom; in the cy(oplism of injurtd hepatocytes (Mrrowt)i and mfiltration py hematic representation of the major pathotogic features of alcoholic hepatitis. The festons niobułar and mclude necrosis and ioss of hepatocytes, bellooned ceHs {SC), and che cytopiosm of damaged hepatocytes. The mflammatory mfiltrate consists neutrophiit (N). ałthough a few lymphocytes (t) and macrophages (M) are also present. The «na» ncpatic venule (THVJ. is encased m connective tissue (C) (central scłerosis}. Pat»
* •w,®^ht in the lobule. The portal tract displaye moderate chronię mfłammation. and
the fc#n«t»Af piat# (10) i* focaiiy breached.