Perlanika 14(1), 21-25(195)1)

Growth, Node Development and Estimated Yield of Calamus manan Planted under a Rubber Smallholding


For es t Research Instilute Malaysia (FR1M)

Kepong, 52109 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Key worcLs: Stein length growth, node development, estimated yield.


Kaftan pertumbuhan, perkembangan mas dan anggaran hasil telah dijalankan terhadap tanaman Rotan manau (Calamus manan) yangditanam dibawahdiriangetah (1 levea brasiliensis) di Dengkil, Selangor. Kehidupanpada tahun ke8 talah 74.8%. Purata pa njang ba tang pada umuryangsama ber beza-beza mengikut keadaan lerengbukit. Pertumbuhan rotan di lereng bawah udała h yang lerbaik, dengan purata rotan 14.21 m, berbanding dengan purata panjang balang bogi keselumhan pętak iaitu 9.98 meler. Bilangan mas (X) dapat dihubungkaitkan dengan panjang heselumhan dan panjang bahagian kering . Beberapa persamaan telah dirumus dańpada hubungan ini. Kajian terhadap perepang mas dan anggaran hasil juga di buat, namun kajian-kajian setemsnya perlu dipertingkatkan sebelum keputusan yangjitu dapat diperoleh. TeUtian yang dibuat juga tidak dapat membuktikan kesan negatif tanaman rotan terhadap pokok getah. Bagi pengumsan kebun yang berkesan, jarak tanaman rotan perlu dilebarkan dan kerja pemotongan pelepah rotan perlu dibuat dan masa kesemasa bagi memudahkan laluan ketika kerja torehan.


Studies on growth, node deuelopmenl and estimated yield were conducted on Rotan manau (Calamus manan) planted under stands oj mbber (Hevea brasiliensis) at Dengkil, Selangor. Sury wal in the 8thyear was 74.8%. Meanstem length yaried with those plants at the lawerslope doingyery well,( 14.21 m) compared with the mean stem length for the wholeplot (9.98 m). The relationship between the intemode number (X) and the total stem length and the length of stem that is dried can be obtained usinga regression method. A few eąuatwns were produced through this method. Studies on the intemodediameter andprojectedyield werealso cairied out, l?ut moręobseruations arerequiredfor morepreciseresults. Negaliye effects of rattan were not euident on the mbber trees. In establishing a rattan plantation under mbber, it is adyisable that the planting distance be widened. The fronds of rattan need to be rut to allow better passage during tafiping.


Rotan manau (Calamus manan) is a spiny climbing palm with a large diameter (> 18 mm) cane and is the most soughtafter speciesfor the rattan furniture industry (Salleh and Aminuddin 1986). Manau has been planted extensively in the Dipterocarp forests of Pen i nsular Malaysia by various stale forest departments. Besides manau, other species of rattan are also found naturally or planted under rubber (Heuea brasiliensis) trees. The area of rubber smallholdings planted with rattan in Peninsular Malaysia has risen from 210 ha (211 smallholdings) in 1987 to 263.8 ha (219 smallholdings) in 1988 and to 517.7 (439 smallholdings) in 1989 (R1SDA). These figures do not include three large scalę plantations in Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. A rubber plantation of about 100 ha at Fclda Serting Hilir 3, near Bahau, was planted with manau in 1986 (Nur Supardi 1988). The planting was ajoint effort between the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) and the Forest Research I nstitute Malaysia (FRIM). Another 28.3 ha of rubber plantation at Sungai Muntoh, Kuala Klawang be-longing to the Persatuan Peladang Jelcbu(Famers‘ Organisation of Jelebu) was also planted with manau in October 1988. A private company, Syarikat Kurni a Setia, planted 237 hectares of a rubber plantation with rattan from 1986 to 1990 at Kampong Bongsu, Lanchang in Pahang.

The First recorded planting of manau under rubber is at Kampung Bukit Tampoi, Dengkil, Selangor (Aminuddin and Nur Supardi, 1986).


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