l.mrtf Mroll
Simply roli a lounr roił but Wvive thr cimI str.iight .md unglucd
lirst foki your papcr strip in half. thrn roli c.Kh rod of your strip to theoiitsidc forming .1 \ slupe
Opcn lleart
first fold your psper strip iii hall. thcn roli thr cnds of your strip tO thr inside .ind you ll hivr an opro hrart.
•C* Jkroll
NinijiK roli both rod* of \our |M|kt strip to thr center thr strip .md you*II ha\r a X* srrolL
Si roił
Koli one cikI of your pancr strip to thr rmtrr ot llir strip. Ihm turn thr strip ovrr .ind roli tlić otbcr md of llir strip to thr center and yoo II hivr an scroU.
I tag Ni roli
Fold \4Mir paprr strip in lulf. tl*m roli both rrw tpgctner toward thr foklrd cml As you roli. thr strip mil botv out .ind form 4 flag.