Loosc Stroił
Simply roli a loose roli bul leavc thc cml straighl aiul unglued.
First fold your papcr strip iii half. thcn roli Ciiclt cml «>f your strip to thc outsidc. forming a *V shape
Opcn U cart
First foki your papcr strip in half, thcn roli Ute cnds «»f your strip to thc inside and you’11 havc an opcn hcart.
"C” St roił
Simply roli bot li cnds of your papcr strip to thc center of thc strip and you ll ltave a X" scroll.
-S" Si roli
Roli one cml of your papcr strip to thc center of thc strip, thcn turn thc strip ovcr and roli thc otlicr ciul of thc strip to thc center and you ll havc an "S“ scroll.
Flag Scroll
Fold your papcr strip in half, thcn roli both cnds together toward thc foldctl cml. As you roli, thc strip will bow out and form a flag.