The Image of Druids in Contemporary Paganism: Constructing the Myth
Adam Anczyk
ke-men. and certainly wis^-women, warshippers of Naturę, proph-rtagkrlans, occulttsts, dhńnen and priests - all of these names were lat least once in the reference to the group mentioned by {ulius Caesar Galik War {Da Bell Gal. VI, 13). and named druidae. The truth about peopie may be never reveaied. for even the ancient writings do not Icfearty who they were (Hutton. 2009, pp. 22-23), We can suppose they an important social dass in the Celtfc societies, somehow connected to s and traching. When the sources are obscure, they are often supple-ki or even substłtuted by tałes of imagination. Therefore, the purpose k paper is not to revea) the Ultimate Truth about the druids, but to ho w the myth of a druid, whkh survived to present times, was con-ed. The myth itself can have (and sureiy often has) its roots in histori-pts. but the błooming tree we see today consists of ideas added years
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