
73.    Ibid.

74.    Archi bal d Edward Hcath, Scientific Thought in the Twentieih Century (l>nndnn, 1951), p. 170.

75.    AOS. p. 340: "I ... think it a great mistakc to rcjcct so-callcd 'intro-spcctivc’ psychology cntircly. For sclf-obscrvation is not only an important mcans, but in many cascs is dic only mcans of obuining infonmtion as to fundamcntal facts."

76.    Ibid., pp. 207, 208.

77.    Sec Joscf Breuer to Ernst Mach, Yicnna, April 1, 1908.

78.    Sigmund Freud, “My Contact with Joscf Popper-Lynkeus," The Com-plete Psychological Worł^s of Sigmund Freud. Vol. 3? (London, 1953-1954), p. 224.

79.    AOS, introduction by Thomas S. Szasz, p. xviii.

6. mach’s two rectorates

1. Die Deutsche Karl-Fcrdinar.ds-Uniiersitdt in Prag (Praguc, 1899), p. 25.

2. Paul Molisch, Politische Geschichte der Deutschen Hoehschtiler. in Óster-reich non 1884 bis 1918 (Yicnna and Liepzig, 1939), pp. 50-51.

3.    Praguc policc report no. 7020 to the Statthaltcrei,” Dcc. 10, 1879.

4.    Oskar Hackcl, “Dic Geschichte der Burschcnschaft ‘Carolina'," Deutsche Arbeit. 9 (1909-1910), 492-493.

5.    Ibid.

6.    Praguc policc report to the Statthaltcrei, May 17, 1880.

7.    Hackcl, op. cit., p. 493.

8.    Friedrich Adler, “Zur Geschichte der Lcsc- und Rcdehallc,’' Deutsche Arbeit, 9 (1909-1010). 546.

9.    Prague policc report no. 3272 to the Statthaltcrei, May 16, 1880.

10.    Ibid.

xi. PolitĄ (Praguc), no. 135, May 16, 1880, p. 5, col. 1.

12.    Ibid., p. 2, col. 2.

13.    Wer IsPs, Vol. VII (Lcipzig, 1914), p. 1053.

14.    The dcath of the totamst Eduard Fcnzl (1808-1880) madę the chair in the acadcmy availablc. It is not elear whether Mach's notoricty as rector at Praguc influcnccd his sclcction. The timing strongly suggests, howcvcr, that Mach’s reputation as a champion for tlić German sidc hclpcd him to rcccivc this ovcrdue honor.

15.    Die Deutsche Karl-Perdinaadt-Uniiersitat in Prag (Praguc, 1899), p. 404.

16.    Theodor Gomperz to Ernst Mach, Vienna, May 25, 1882.

17.    Henry James, cd., The I^tters of William lamet, Vol. I (Boston, 1920), pp. 211-212.

t8. Ernst Mach, Po pulanuissenschaftlich e n Vorlesungen (jd cd.; Lcipzig, 1903).

19.    Richard Avcnariu-. to Ernst Mach, Zur ich, June 28, 1895.

20.    Sec Oskar Ewald, Richard Aucnarius ais Ilcgrunder der Fmpirio Kritizis-mus (Berlin, 1905), and V. I Lenin, Materialisto and F.mpirio-Critinsm (New York, 1927).

21.    AOS (New York, 1959), pp. 28, 49-56.

33. Die Deutsche Karl-Pcrdinurds Unit-ersitat in Prag, p. 16,

23. Wilhelm Jcru-.alcm, “Ernst Mach zum 70. Geburtstag,” Deutsche Arbeit, 7 O907-1958), 394.

24.    Frantiśck Kavka, The Cctroltne Uniuersity of Prague (Prague, 1962), p. 59-

25.    Ernst Plener, Erinnerungen, Vol. II (Lcipzig, 1911-1921), p. 248.

26.    Neue Freic Presie (Vienna), no. 6896, Nov. 7, 1883, p. 2, col. 3.

27.    Anticipating trouble, Mach eontacted a pastor in Liebenau who returned a letter to him afHrming the Christian background of his parents, grandparents, and greatgrandparcnts, as attested in city rccords and birth certificates (Franz Płatnik to Ernst Mach, Licbcnau, Nov. 6, 1883).

28.    Neuc Frcie Presie, no. 6897, Nov. 8, 1883, p. 7, col. 3.

29.    Ibid.

30.    Bohemia (Prague), no. 48, Feb. 18, 1908, p. t, col. 2.

31.    Ibid.

32.    Neue Freie Presie, no. 696^, Morgenblatt, Jan. 17, 1884, p. 2. col. 3.

33.    Bohemia. no. 48, Feb. 18, 1908, p. 1, col. 2.

34.    Neue Freie Presie, no. 6970, Abendblatt, Jan. 22,1884, p. 3, col. 3.

35.    Ibid., no. 6917, Nov. 28, 1883.

36.    K. Korischka to Ernst Mach, Praguc, April 18, 1884.

37.    Molisch, op. cit., p 122.

38.    Hermann L. Strack, "Anti-Scmimm," Encyciopedia of Rehgion and Ethics, Vol. I (Edinburgh, 1926), p. 597.

39.    Thcrc are two relcvant documcnts in the Ernst-Mach-Institut in Freiburg on this Rohling-Mach controvcrsy, a circular sent to Mach supporting him in the controvcrsy with signatures £rom twenty-two Praguc professors attachcd, dated March 1889, and a letter from Mach to an unknown "Hochgechne Herm!" dated March 2t, 1889. Mach wrotc: "Ich kann nicht untcrlassen Ihncn fur die Richiigstcllung des Rohlingsdicn Rcfcratcs uber meincn am 18 October 1883 gesprochencn Toast hcrzlichst zu danken."

40.    Neue Freie Presie, no. 6893, Nov. 4, 1883. p. 7, col. 3, p. 8, col. 1.

41.    Molisch, op. cit., pp. 126-127.

42.    Hackcl, op. cit., p. 496.

43.    I am dccply gratcful to Dr. Julius Krcczck for this c.xplanadon and to Profcssor Otto Bluh for the further Information that the EtvigcJandfriede of 1495 prohibited Jcws (and others) from wcaring arms, hence, making them Salisfacti o nut ufali ig.

44.    Molisch, op. cit., p. 181.

45.    Joscf Mayerhdfcr, "Ernst Machs Hcrufung 3n dic icncr Universtat 1895," Clio Medica, 2 (1967), 53.

46.    Molisch, op. iit., p. 128.


r. Mario Bungc, "Mach’s Critiquc of Kcwtonian Mcchanics," American Journal of Physics, 34 (1066), s8«;.

2.    PSL (La Sallc, II!., 1943). P- 248.

3.    COE (Chicago, 1911). p. 74.

4.    AOS (New York, 1959), pp- *03, 105.

5.    COE. p. 47.

6.    Ibid., p. 48.

7.    Ibid

8.    Ibid. p. 49.

9.    Ibid., p. 6l.



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