
Elck Tibor, Bela Juhos, Thcodorc Kneupper, Floyd RatlifT, Jaroslay Pachncr, Josef Mayerhofer, and Raymond 1'. Sccgcr.

During my visits to Yicnna and Prague many pcoplc were instru-mcntal in hclping mc to find the typc of sourcc or firsthand Information I was looking for. Thcsc considcratc and knowlcdgcablc guides inelude Dr. Neider, Dr. Julius Kroczek, Irena Seidlcrova, the family Pfeifcrova, Dr. Havranck, and Dr. Strouhal.

In order to be morę accuratc in my work I often found it nccessary to corrcspond with cxperts and eyewitnesses about particular evcnts or with pcoplc who had important corrcspondcncc in their possession or who knew wherc it was. Among such peoplc I would like to cspccially thank Herbert Fcigl, Martha Dinglcr, Josef Sajner, Karl Przibram, Eugene Freeman, and Helga S. Hacker.

Let me acknowlcdgc my apprcciation to the following magazines and publishing companies for the usc of quotations from articlcs or books: Journal of Chemical Education, Psychological Review, Synthbse, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Phtlosophia Natttralis, The Personalist, Isis, American Journal of Physics, Physi\alische Blat-ter, Physics Today, Bullctin of the Atomie Scientists, Journal of the History of Idcasy George Allen and Unwin Limited, Rowohlt, Aka-dcmischc Druck und Vcrlaganstalt Graz, Verlag Wisscnschaft und Politik, Simon and Schustcr, Inc. Harvard University Press, Springer Verlag, Dell Publishing Company, Holden-Day, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Little, Brown & Company, The Open Court Publishing Company, Prentice-Hall, Applcton-Century-Crofts, Doubleday & Company Inc., Praeger Publishers, Harper & Row Publishers, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., The Marmillan Company, The Johns Hopkins Press, The American Philosophical Socicty, Princeton Univcrsity Press, Abclard-Schumann Ltd., State Univcrsity of New York Press. Southern Illinois University Press, and Oxford Univcrsity Press.

I would like ro thank the Austrian National Library of Vicnna, the German Muscum in Munich, Holden-Day Publishing Company and Miss Nancy Martsch for permission to use selcctcd photographs and diagrams.

And finally, I want to cxprcss my gratitudc to Mrs. F.lcanor Little for typing the finaJ vcrsion of this work as a dissertation and to Mrs. Teresa Joseph for editing thecopy hcing prepared for publication.

John T. Blackmorc

Los Angeles, May 2, Kjji

Adam Wenzel Mach ■ r    ■ Marie Prosche




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