kl V

kl V

Culture Zonę

r our sckool trup ^ IflSt WU>wtk was to Maałam.e Tussawots v wax rn.useu.rn.. >



Meet the Queen of England!

Where can you meet film stars like Brad Pitt, dance with Britney Spears, kick a football with David Beckham and have a cup of tea with the Queen of England? Answer: at Madame Tussaud’s in London. There are hundreds of famous people here. But theres a problem. They're not real.The famous people in Madame Tussaud’s are all madę of wax.

Madame TussaucTs

Marie Tussaud was French. She was good at making figures with wax. She had a clever idea - to take her wax figures to England and open a museum. It was a success. Today Madame Tussaud's is one of the top ten tourist attractions of London.

Making a model It takes about six months to make a wax model.

When the museum wants a new model of a famous person, they ask him or her to come to the studio. The artist takes measurements and lots of photographs. The body is madę of wax, but the hair is real.The stars are usually happy with their models - but not always. Geri Halliwell said her legs were too fat!





tourist attraction

atrakcja turystyczna







ł% Listen and read. Who do you know?

Posłuchaj i przeczytaj. Kogo znasz?

Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

Popraw błędy.


Madame Tussaud’s is a museum in Oxford.

Ma cła wie Tussaupks Is a m.useum. Iw L o weto w.

1    The models in the museum are madę of wood.

2    Marie Tussaud was from Scotland.

3    It takes six years to make a model.

4    Only the eyes on the models are real.

5    Geri Halliwell said her legs were too thin.

Describe the people in the photos to your partner. Opisz koledze lub koleżance osoby na zdjęciu.

a She’s got wavy grey hair. She’s quite old.

b Queen Elizabeth II.

^bver to you

4 Describe a famous person in Poland.

Opisz osobę, która jest sławna w Polsce.

1    Powiedz, ile ma lat i jak wygląda.

2    Jeśli chcesz, możesz ją narysować.

Ask your partner to guess who it is.

Poproś kolegę lub koleżankę, by odgadł/a, kim jest ta osoba.


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