Jimo Soft9 ToCymer CCay:


Sahara 9 Sunffcrwer yett&w 9 Mrhite 9 Cherry 'Red TropicaC Ojreen 9 Tacific 'Bfue




A _ . ; m ^    y

FCgtuóne- Project of th& Monćh/ Club- (TH)

I I i V I I II I V I I I V B CJIIIIIIIlIflldlllllll

Needle 1ooC * CCay Shaper 9 Jiskars ffower Jfand-jnmch 0 JduminumfoiC BCack seedheads 9 Decorative chaCks jjainthrush or cotton swahs to appCy chaCks

Dcsigner's Notes:

Mokmg the Bose: Teor off o sheet of olummum foil opproximoteły I' sguore. Wod up foil mto o boli ond press flot shoping it into on ovol

To make pastel colors: Mix one port COLOR mto 8 parts white.

Cover the olummum foil with green cloy top ond bottom. Set Aside

Decorotwe cholks reolły highlight ond add dimension - I*ve used brown chalk on all the stitch merks ond around the eors WOW! What o diff erence!

Draw a linę oround bottom of foot with needle tool.

Legs shown on body.

Shape o 1* boli into a roundcd tnanglc. Press bottom flot on hord surfoce    ond

elongating neckline to creote body shope

Soli turo 3/4* soharo bolls into tapered logs. Press thick end towards thm    end

with fmgers    to

create a foot.    Cut

two paw morks into foot with knife.

Draw tn plaid morks with needle tool. Add some stitch morks too. Repeat for onother leg. Press legs to body.

Soli two 3/4 balls into tapered logs. Sound the thick end with fmgers creating a boli. Pinch bali with fingers to create hond.

Press orms onto neckline. Add Stitch morks with needle tool.

Roli o 3/4* bali for head Using clay shaper round out a hole m bottom of head for head to fit over neck. Remove head. drów m stitch morks. Flotten a 1/4* boli and shape mto on oval. Press onto foce.

Poke o hole for mouth and pulldown shghtly.

Sefine this shope with cloy tool. (Think Sm ile)

Press two 1/4* bolls to each side of muzzle. Blend m seoms to face.

This shows the side view Add a smoli pmk nose to muzzle.

Poke holes for eye plocement on each side of

nose. Drop m bcads ond shape ey es.

Poke hole in top of head for eors. Press wires into holes ond trim leoving 1/4* extending. Flotten a 1/2" boli and shape into o teardrop Add stitch marks Press the point of the teardrop over the wire and shope eors os desired


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