

Grammar 1

have to, don't have to

1 Kcjd thc frtU jnd (ompWf

oWrsrd to do


»i>r« <on)| łw"

: tum 19 1





, ~ nhr.t trrd

W* don’1 *»dd * 'o in tt^Z?

person imROljr

lule muit otwoyi Ik polne

fm ł mit# w r to1- to vnro.sj<>nr/i

jfld ułr orfcn / don»ftw to 1vt m ifce

JłłfAtJt; | oof, vmr fcod Jflrf dr>i ir'i 4 fto-wnołjoj f«Ułf4M. jod ‘/Mrtitm IV

'<ntOffsm 4ff ftdr iw rrfi rncm itocnhmobrtitf' hnnunaijtt

I t\14A tar (o t1

and ihc also 1 iniervtews.



z^~£st2 1

’^rv«««1 ****** 11»1» 3"

2 &jd «hf n1J"d »>nd ^

l„ ihr tr«»ł 1 Ruto

, /M.r ł« •">«' mun h,^ me#™& «r uv iłv.ni '"S jbout Obffg.ltiOlt    0 f1l\

f\iul hm to U nr,), ,/v łKłV'»M/

Aluitn‘t .ind don’t h0yr,

»tiy dil/rnroi m<un(nw mustn i to Mik jIkiui (^i( 'cv> jic not .1 Howrd to ,|<(    ^ 3

lenn\ mu U ni bsc any /ai W r usr don’1 Aoir lo ,.ibouf Ihings th.it .lrrn-j ,K<owrv

/ ukr donn t hovr to »xifl kiKhtn    ‘n 1V

3 (ompiele thc tcxt wnh ho\ lo doetn t have to .ind thWc V(,f^

buy cook dtivc ^ go "■11 work . ^

JufM h« jn intcfctirig ,0fa succcttful .ldot .md \hc wofk\ ,flAngrlcs Beforo słip (hootn o f>u °1 ,o<ułJ?8U6J2fl<,h,.hlm Whcn .t dirccłor offers her o (oł) 1


lines And when stic fimshcs tł1 film. firr wotk isn i nvcr Shc

In pjits. <hoose a job Dont tell your partner "hich job

lakę turns to ask each other yrt / no ąuestions aboul thc job. Ask twe qucstions, then guess thc job.


Do soi/ łunr to »rnf o su/f?

S2 v<v i do / No. I rfon’1.


t>r lale Slir nwfiln'1 br lalt

1    arrive on limę

2    forRcf hfr llntrs

3    liMCOjo thc direclor

4    nm\ Ilu- moyic p" ni

5    look good

6    bcfudc I0ulhrrjr.ini\ fju Now lisico on*l i


-f>c< iiJsr shf h.tsa


lo movir prtmfcgj

Julia works h.trd, but sliesalw^

lutky Shr 1--- <lb(HJł

mont-y. boc.msr slir iv Very nch ^

4-u c1Jf lK1<duseshf

fMsachauffcur, .md sito


rook And yhc rlolhes/or firrvll ktyliM'


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