


1    look Jl the pklurti and dhtuu the que\l>on\ t '<■ 'hfłl WOftłt to help MM.

•    calm • ro (limb • (onhdent • 10 Ul • 10 N

•    a ropę • land

I nhjl * happening m <Mh pKtutr'

2    What do you Jfiirtfc młJ fupprrł nr.f m earh ooe

3    Mon do you Ihmł cach thmber letS’

2 look jt the ptetures What do »ou rtmk th* 'f'1Ute fc«f and cherk tour ideay


Qw/rir r/p.»

Uatchmg headmgt

Pon t look lor ipeohc wętdi Kead earh paraffaph jod drode on ity min mejnmg

3 klatch hodinp a-e lo parjgraphi 1-5 m Ihe teti. a A bad eipcnence b folion your dteim\ c Thty cali him sptderrnan d f jth yran t Around Ihe norid

4 Kead the teit agam and amwer the gw«f»om

1    Muf n AUm gfung lo <for

2    How n he dillerent Irom olhei (hmberf>

3    Hhy d>d he rhmb hn hrit bwlding’

4    nh>ch thmgi »w dtlhrull affet the aeddent?

5    Hti4ł did Alam do*

6    Wh> »ay the Seaty fowrr dtlhrull lo (limb?

A..mRob.rt,łdllł.lent climbcri Ho puls on hit climbiniT*


says ho II cl.mb i„ 2s m, or 'sp.dornwn. h., umłłUBl Hc climhł tali buildingt w.th n, * ropoior security cquipnient'


Alain started climbing when hc i, ycars old. He forgot the keys |0 hlł parents Hat. but he didnt wa.t |0,

.hem outside Insto.d h. climbod t0 Ihc o.ghth floor and got ,n through ii opon windowi


Climbing it a dnngorout sport and m 1982 Alain had a terrible accident He fp" 15 mclres and badlyhurt h.msell Aftcr the accident it was dilftcult to ” walk *nd "npossible to climb 8ut Ala.n didn t give up. Su months late, he was climbing agam

4 ___

Today Alain climbs all over the world In 1997 ho climbcd the Petronas Twin o Towers in Kuala Lumpur. A year later. hc got to the top ol the Deutsche Bank in Berlin, then the Marriott Hotel m Warsaw But perhaps his most difficult expertence was the Sears Tower in je Chicago. It was a loggy day when he climbed the tower, and the glass Windows at the top ol the building were wet It was difficult to hołd on. and Alain knew that one smali mistake

*    could kill him. Howevor, he didn't turn back. He carncd on. and ninety minulcs later hc gol to the top


Almn sny*; Ito won t stop climbing - in faci he n lookmg forward to his next

*    chnl!i m Some pcoplo say he's crazy,

bul >in livi r. to climb. ‘Theres only "Rg i i lite.' he says, 'and Ihiii . .i to Icilow your droams.'

ŁKTioc,urV,om o*

2    H»Oftv do **>    •

*o JOii iłiink >t «.iar> tO do ttw-m'


you t,yP tQ w||y,



5    “* **»•»*•"■ ita.w.

-S Iłom the tcxt into the correct column

* "wal snbi Jte ir.tn wfth two o| mocr wotiK y*ne P vrttjs    ło undetMjad the mraŃMol

C4<.h v\or<J óoesni t hjrv$f

" v,m,rd ,0 ,am w I"* «“'"«» round and <Jimbrd donn

the buildinjt

lurn Vvrrb' moye in .1 dilleienl dilcOtOh. roursd prepi

= «n a orcW

b Somc vcrb\ aie morc diltKult to undrtuand the me .mm* ol the phraul verb is ddlrfrnt Irom the

meanmg 0I cath mord. e g

rhrt tumtd up lale /or (/.«• film Thcrr wr/r no j«ts fcft

(urn 0p =■ arnve pul on (tinc 2} rwc up (Imc 21) hołd on (Imc tum batk (Imc

tatry on (linę H>)

vame meaning

ditterent meaning

pul on

1 -

Complctc the senlentes with a phrasal serb Itom S

1    You should-smoking lt’s bad lor yout


2    lefs-and hmsh Ute job.

3    Remctnbcr to-to the topc Ihe steps ate

dangrrous •t You should S Ifssnowing lets

a pimper łfs toki outside _now and go home

Malth vcfbs t-t to prepositions a-c to make łour morę phrasal vcrbs

1    liii    a    down

2    pick    b    in

J    vl    c    up

4    stand

•^»ł listen and check Repeat the phrases.



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