

1 lool Jt Ihr iiifomnll>i'i Ujlltl jIkju* ••*"*”'* Mjirh ihr qurtl>(>m (Al) »«* •** P"*"*

A Whaf ił fillHAC?

II lljłw iiKMh tfórt il rtnf’

( Nh* ifMKł- OlifiAt?

0    Włinh^iJrt »r*i tto'

£ ttfWTt %łK»«M »i*i •'W* ’

1    Wtoraoa&y to a *****”""    w

.? Rrjrf Ihr ItiUri atam i"* *f<i<k ,f ,hr U łiur (I) or 1*1* dl    ^

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J Iw ran <** •*■»    «**

4    »<W*m1fU<r Mino *<•''"<'

5    ht^nimn ouuntor «*»"*


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BUNAC <s 9)$ Bfitnh Unrmnt#s Horth Amanta Ou6 Tha lk/> MUnta in 1962 and helptd students trarol and vw» Today BUMCt ptoęrirrmw help JfwfcrMi lind /cbf m Ntwf Z#aUmJ, Atafrah*, rhf USA and Canada lis an mtariuting and fhfiip way to aspaneoca anothtf coKurt. and bacausa studants art ‘Wkinj. 4 fony i My (front Mo fo twrłvo monthil u poJV&>

Ar tf>« btffftnmns of programme. students h.wu to pay btMtnCISO-OOO This pays for • work visa. International ipjunrtfe. a gurdebook. a phono card. and one to rwo mghtj * locai hotel whenyouarnye. You can also buy y u flight throUg', 8UNAC On BU.MAC Wghts you travel with othtu students, so n\ good opportunity to make fnends.

Vou tum toto a faff-bre# studtnt. o*at H yta/t of ag# and hi* • ęood latał ol Engksh toj mus) tny) ycw ssućtn aSantiy card « with your appfecation tom.

3 ___

Mott students do lypKtl hoMay *ort n*y Wrk mjhops

^ MfŚł ,U tHo "«*10 M>OteyOtfV.

ora    C*m^“*** *^8 '* • "**paper

o^a "vgm.» rou want to, typ# of    yoc ihooM do >t*.,

"Msrch and find out about *mp!oy#f, 6fto. ya, |ej^

rttti BUNACyou have rhe chance to be inde; ■ newcountnes Wcrkmg abroad is an excitinij tfwg to do 8UNAC programmos can change yw decłde on your futurę career.

Voo ihoutortwM until the last minuto to app oarfy There j a lot of competition lot places o programmej. You can get application forms t programmej m December.

(,łnt and v»sit


fo and help

•hould appfy '.AC

■ .ner

6rłmntar 2

„.„Id / il'ould^,

s" thr rf„,rn<n-*na "■** «»*e •u**'

l*** *\t4 „..ft, n»h t' .t % 4 «uod -V- U. flP» *7**^-,    l unl<l tfsr Unt rr o jfr I 'lii

uft lor ohligaiion o tfr,. !ałirwd

bad «rt»4 t

.1 i oh on your Own ti‘$ sery riilhcult

We mul11 dfould amvc at Ihe stahon bclore 6 oVlo<V lhcir.yinlc.tsr.


Let** activate

itutc* f juMiid and thouidn'1 Uf w- • • •* m.iv- .1

^ mr jynn of trwuW hw l, )om, hr. W. «r »r , nym''" fflO

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lho sentente* Us«- \hould. dtouldnl and thes*

. (ompff,r * rb'

^ . hnd • »«■ * «« * <"**    u*"*

lta*boM W** N<-w Yo,Ł Jnd Wł'hin15,on

ł0flofr’^-,,f vr,vfhfJp vo'ou    ^>W).nt

! MralN A* *»*'• ^    ^ kK>a

*__4 ti|i isome monry) to Ihr wadrf

j YOU----

tveiyonc does

i nfbHtcf 10 *0 to r*u<* w.th fncnrh You

5    _____ _ atnne.

6    ĄTnentans Jfe sery fnrndły. vo you


ijn listrn to thc adsicc and chccK your answers Gnr advicr. Usc thcw idcas and dtould or ihouldn t

. goto thc dotlors wear your glanes

! look on thc map huy e*pcnvvc tramcrs \ |jkr off your |umpcT • arguc alt thr timr gotobcd


I don l leci wcll-‘ you >hould <jo fo Ihe doctor »

1    I leci nrcd all Hic tnnc

2    l li.nen t #<>1 J'W moncy

i li s very hot in licrr-

4 Whcrc’S Ihr town ccnlie ę Mv brolhcf isn I tdlking to mr 6 I can t m-c thc r\ ould or must

c usc ihould lor ad\ k umuitUJkcwuri w ihouldolso tu*'

S m pairs. ask and answer the ąucMions.

Student A is a lorcigncr coming lo tive and ssofk m sour city m August Student B tell him I hcr.

• w tiat to brmg and whal nol to bnng.

. vshich iobs to appty lor . \shcre tr> ltvc\

. thnigs to do in thcir Ifcc timc Łuimplc

S1 Whaf fhow/d I Orinx>    .

12 >o<i \houldn'l hnng watm tlothn )ou 'hou Jj' *

s/io/ts and I ihifti bccduv it s hol tn Au^usl You ust

bfing your rwport


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