


Comparaliyt* and u>p*rAjtrr**    ^ ^    „

1 fompłrlr Ihr Inl wtlh Ih* fo»»rrł »o*»«    '


(dangerousl I think the (goodl jobs art jobs outsrde'

j fhwri**» —

____no*MMprr    łftu mi>rn,rif

4    ifm* »rwvui** hJd (<)«' ot \for«%


5    fta- rwrrU <*»*»•«*»» »#t on . j«e*ł

« ____- no*vwpr,v jfr usuji;, w ,

V f hf4

to/ /o. <*’" /    motf- muatn-f ..

aboMn f    * **•

J (tu>o*rthe<orre<tJlternjtivc

~ —■

ReyJsion Units 5 and 6

Htlary Taylor is a papetgirt bko ofhor paperg-rls, she óetnnrs ntwspapets to pcopte t housos But unhke Olhtr papargnls Hilary is 75 years oldShe* łkł Młat (oW) paperg,rl m the country Hilary doesnT have to wor». to wby ćoes she do n? I en/oy the e*ercise and mechng peoplt.'

sbe says Its'_Imteresiwgl than

slaytng ai home l'm ‘_loldl than the

other papergiris. but I'm *_IW.' she

adds, 7hey arent as'    ______ Hastlat

cycimg as I am. jo I usuafy dekret morę papers

Ks *-(easy) /ob in the world1'

Hda/y d«j iots ol drtterent jobs Oefore she

started dehyermg papcrs The1_

Ibormg) fib was m an Office.' she says But the

-Ibadljob was in a lactory lt was

*-Ihardl /ob and the i te***'

pjprrw    mtrrnlinK .mwl*. ,0

. fhr^w/ł    »hiv rrx>rnmK

---^ hjd W' oł Uorir* (rum .,il ,^f


Tawdminurtnljn ,ob V0Udm'1 ha« <°

dmr carełully and VO« ' stn'tdon 1 ho« <” drrvr too M i siar! worl early. and i ' musi / tor to work long hour> bulIdon'1 Mtna lot‘d moncv i baw,i familyy)|

oot» *orl m Ihe day I' doo‘t tor ro / mnin t work ,, nigh!

A u»i drwer 'donn'! tor /o / mw/ a .iii 0( lon<Jon

wtłl. Ihercsa ®wm for f,ni (1,,w ' ',llle<l Arwwłcdgr llltth V««r knowlrdgr ul "■ ts ond pld(cs in eyrry part ol London A r.»x» driver n . ■ ti, t / dot$o‘l hove to gd lotf

laudrńingrtan mteresting job bcr.i mi meet Iots of dilłefcnł pcoplr Usually pcoplo lik' ' k about th<imelv«. bot yook don t Ime lo / s/ / Im* impatrent or rude. Somc pwplr Havr i - i \ vo you ' skoold/muti Irstcn and try and be v. tic Most peopłe jre generous and lravc a ti(i <    ’■» * muttn t I

dont ho\< lo give a bp but il’s. nico    da’


A4jwłivf *■ prepo*tłion 7 (hoose the correct altrrr ttivc

1    pon't worry about m-k *nti:r.;ew. Try and stay calm

2    Rat hel is upset a ■ : not RettiiiR the job

3    l’m interesłed m    oiimgasa teacher

4    I thinlc fm gootT ' i , pmgpeople

5    Kevm was ptoti    / ns- ichi* sements


the wntcn«“v w.th thru* tamily *oidv

* C°    . (OUMih Krandtatlwf X/4MtchiW«ti


llv tłrtd^ *',c » mv--

I „u,theryUlhrtnnnr-----

; uy __--- *'r ",y u,w^ '    ♦«"*•»,tuW»m

____— ts Ute son ot mv sryirf


* Mv mci'"-'' rf-"'Rh,rr •' m'--

ni^nb.o9 ^Ur

V comP,c,e ,hc ,c,', w',h lbtAC *d|ective*.

* arnefous * h*rdVWMfc,n* * lłJ> • nervoin

* pOpoUr • ""Iju-d

v,yj ttase to bc !a£dzZ°dS&Ł .1 Vou want to Miuted fjn uKr a ton* «'mr to hnd * l«>b *ith J Nm \tud«i You

" 1 be --J,Kl d<* nolłnoR Yoo h*r to krep

,f>lPRioh-«l the r*ht pan

tcrtj <jn‘ ** --,n ,h,% »ob- >,,u have to be

OflWrflt v°i( h.ivr to bok ---.ind n.rturj] m

|ronl oi the camera U you re succewful and *_

łou<*,n eatn .1 lot ot moncy. then you tan l>e

.__ and buv prwents tot vour famtly and


£>l<j0tł of worK

^ Mjtch these verbs with the nouny below

. jpph lor • get • Ro lor * lcave t.ikę



4 Song -T/TO    ------

1 *cad thr <hoiu\ *mt •    ihr «weY’«*i

What rtt, you tn.nk tt« «n| n Ao.< * a « dłutmet Wvn* h»*ti*

ti •«•»• Wjtw.., • n. _!v,.«5

Out the vef vc-i K B and C in ih» <acrrtl win lr-!r»

■»"** «h«iV yotif Jn\wn\

Shr \ lejYint hume

A iMlMiwoinaitinwili ^ts >•    <

P'iV\ op the tfttet that sh»nt irwr Stanilintatooe M thr totsoi thr Matr\

Shr h»rjV% down and (rttsia hri ł«rłv«rr1 Uaddy, OOl tuliy \ «v**

Vth» Moold \hr irrat •»» vi ihnu^ttlrah'

Mow Uir ik» thiv »o Wr?

Uk iWr ijjvr hrt rryn/ uf oui (iw l\ leuyins Sorofiird mou of oj> l .rv Home [VW itow het nnytłiinjt i"onrv«o«W boi

strr t fi*avinj5 hnmr o/trr /om* afonr for u> many >rar\

li f n(ta> mnininy. at nmr nckxk she w lat ,i«x»

Waitmg to t-cep tKr appointhsrnt slte rrwde Wrrtinj a nv»n l»o«n the motor trade

1/»r (Wr nr wy thouxht of ounet\r\ h Inn ma Ht\rt o tbougfH for oonsi.r-Home iwr \tniaxlrd hanl oll out /rvo lo gcł f/yi

Shr \ Irmmg fuwnr ofln Iwing rtlonr

for %o m,iayycat\

( Wrdncsd.iy ntorning .W hve o cioci as the dart br^irr. I Mendy dosinghcr bedioom dooi I e.rymy. the notr th.it she hoped woułd VIV morę She gjłrs ikiwnst.ms to ttie kitchen clutchin*


Oun tW tuining thr b.)ikdoo« Vx\

Stepping oulside %he is tcee

shr W/iof thd w do Ibef vsm virortgy/ h having We didn‘1 kimw it isos WtOng) lun hm is (hr one Ihing (hot monęy tdn f buy)

Sometliing imide (hot wo\ olwoyidemed lor v) mony yron Shes leminghome. Bye, byr

. Answcr the qucstions.

1    Why is the Rirl lcavtng?

2    Hoss does the gifUeeł?

3    How do het parems ł«ł?

I Dtscuss the question

U.i tcen.igers tt.wc cnough Iteedom today?


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