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V, >M W«» l*« VWttl Ml IWmO, H**,* i#**orrł *• «•"*•«® U"«on A yiw ^t„, Ih« *t»mid pl«mo the yiofcn m w»«
At me *3* °* •’^h' Vłn«vi* want to 8e^<n« m
Cłł.ne to *t"dv m« wio^n n>*toui«uUtiw».*(
trude"« «M V*"™ compi.1,, bot Vancv»a l.nrf^ed « m w »«onlha Whtlo th« wat waymg m the vit*ed *©ma -nteiactmg piacae *•
,h# G«eei W»tt ot Chan and the lupa.* * Piilece Sh« rnmambor s that the Chmeta mm
^,0 v«rY lurpntorf »>•« *ha cooWaTt tpeak « wt»d o» Chmese
Venosł« Mae &80an partormmg when *ha w„j ten y«*»* old- #nd 81 n 8h0 •mared the
Roytll Acadomy ot Munc Wh.le the wat „udytng thce sho playcd with the London
Philharmonic Orchotlra md went on tour wtth the London Morart Player* She was nlso the youngest pcison to tocord yiolin musie by composers such aa Bocthovcn and Tcbo&oysfcy In 1995. Voncssa Mae tecorded an album callod T/ft/ Viohn Player Ihis was not o classical album, but a mixture ot pop, |a« and techno It was an unusual album because .t was the lirtt time a classical mustetan mixed musie »n thit way. In the same yoar Vanessa govc 4 tamous concert m Times Square. New York. At the end ot tho concert she was so excited that she |umped otf the stage and climbud onto a yellow cab. She played hor last song włtlle sho was stondmg on tho rool ot the cab The noxt day her picturo was ,n all the nowspapets - Vanesso Mae was tamous
also composer. her own musie. Somo people don t liKe hor mus>c because it isn't classical but olher people aro happy because she makes yiolin
musie popult" Wh-.it do you think?
a t>nwo to miro iw t -Kr.ro tolitaUf Ki t toutrO »oh thr iMndwi Vo/an «Wt>
* Ur.Ml thr tr»l jftioi 41.1I irtv*r< thr ąwrOMMM.
i Wh> wrrr theChwwy- torpriwd wt^n thr. rti I hhrtr d-d VinnuALK md a tortem •* tep a Uv •
* Wtul ton ot mu%M. don -J-r t>Lr> tort* •
5 Much trebs t -7 to noun\ a-f Motc tKin on* mim
may b* correci.
a an jtitt<gt«ph
b on toot < .tn inMmmmt d ainncnt * musK t muw ti-wncw t an alhtitn
(omplrtr Ihr wntf ncr\ with 4 phra%* Itom S. f \ample
v Unnvi bot booird Ihr dudio to rr<<>r4 on fllbHP t thr vnger pbnsto_in thr V*>K tor ta
|uii«m jud Sandy_r\rfv Fiiday lhc» are
Ir.uning lo ptjy Ihr puno Do you -f the RuiUr
i asLcd ll-r unjjfi to_m my lx»t