Medieval literature

Medieval literature

A*c< ic Sees kfS

bcUiU /će© f<VSL    ____

OtCĆUACC CiCCCL V /b^nOngS TbdJJinrUyn

ę6CL/CCJ ' ke OC&^S łO^y, fi&jb

^L~0>0(. tsyi U*ó ĆhsynocŁ P * /    ' .

ai f^Ccvsy„ ^'Z7/l,c7P,P4.

O/ne oUuj Ct^pcoute* leciwi    N.oUcLoy'

90WI wtl HUsouoi , She (fyyeeó bo

C-siHt Itt^yyf * tA\ it ir ^Scyć bo do So*

A^' CU/)CctS •$    (JDl^'ć)L&/>n+    C<XU* OUĆLóitt




\J&ams Oty dud SbctuAsyii sct#s tturt

U fS /uM OV6v, H( Cos ocyutsi? fh e eoyrth ókccke*    tfs/oic os he

syiotęs (x>ujovyoL    • 7h.& k^g/ds

LoCdsfSt    k,/n2^sJ U.m    lusyi ^ C

oUeri.    ^

^ & k&l'0a?*    i» hcax, 4^ k


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r U *    \ 4 . ffc7 e*p/>cs$** ^Vl/t/

faul    ^    I j.    faA/b&y

to eo^e w ^    ?«aM.


Pa^Jiou-^- ^Ux> passe s$ es (Ae J,U<xUhe 0JJ cl CxyrCU_^ dugUA .

■L— | [fil g-4- SkS

Cat żLft cuaxŁ ^caouAMO^ <occćj syucą .&*>-a &>u^>    fc cOress&OL c* bCac '

out fOorrUoLsyn&ott a* /4&WS therecu t&Uy^ the*v> to ba tccJtt.a»*.


\£/ Ąfto OppićUOCbryia the łCouęflU 's /ale ihe Uj tlcy J (/Tl fek/riyois'. “

^)^rc ^CU ar?CĆ    O\fosrd SbicfeM

rno<AAA ecC    V' oticLos , ćiluo pkcoUeU

CLY^ry^ioSf^ CLULCl U>o^>    (s>Z/A, CLCCfUCU^icct


: - w cv»^ ^ ^


^ ^ --------- -----

6x)qs jccuous OuAjd łuotUo fx>d<2&ire cf

b$ JSe*tf x%^yaOt*ś otd. **»fL yflUsoUfTK

(P) H^So ńósoUyn Jtu< C/'es ftt<SCL<m, he ze^mouotes, - fócufS /ie>    °u<d ępi<es biei strute*/ . *

1^‘OUcLcn dCutsos Ci piou Uou) 6o Cou Cocb ^ 'OiCfict UotU rfbsou/*.

Sh-c ŁeMs foU'Sy -lhoU h/t C/totos /sS /U, ,J*oltu SćllcIs °i ^ sS&ry<x+i t ~£o cAceck. U*s JSęo^ot&r. 'fohs>i 'tUtryil&r ~Uuxb NioUoLco <jro6    .

COM oUoicis helis ^ot\m ht Ilqa Cl is/s/Orn JWy™'

GoOt * the ^nejrf' Mo^oCclC ( UJCLt&r b*J>Ce Cli

as AJ{Xxh !s flOoddL fo'U CouCt^ faz loud escb&Tri'm,/Yi ocbn^a Mli hfe. Tht CaopeiAto*' ŁeAjtve$ (MSYn Otocd J?eo^rS Jbrt LoS .<Jb

A/i cAjoLckj i m^trYUCfs (om bo {\xrfGn

3 buljt^ u»itk, /p^OcfC/OnaSy' b> Mc nrOof


■fre tork?. £>Ue*t fio&cL cpU uyUic e GUZ the hjbcs. "-Ht heOs fok™ kaU L/ooć i? Cc/ę 0 ttu>A fazy ZLClu't SpeoJc Ol LCC^ycZ    po~ixy. V



/lo^ctcuj Uboict ihcu cisce^d t/nto Aje butą. jbjUe+t Ihe Gcrfpeul&r eho^is /o

flkęounn s>uni tudc -fa bkc

Mc/coUu cluiL .    _____ .pp _____ ,,

l\/OU$c CluoL śUep hjjtihe* ^ ccoi)oeoUói, j

U 4c&Ću CUusrn ńbsotc™ f&SSe* ky.c Sppes M Od a less Aom A&Abu**.

//f COUls hao' Ou*d Iccs' ^rCCifitOtS fs Cló$

ish MiC C&Osf/c. flb'SOL,'>i Cbuuof friĆ4 bOyh Cii ćoi^t

-r ik-. . y. / _ ^    ^ i.


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